Amendment #870 to H4400

English Language Acquisition and Literacy Programs

Representatives Walsh of Framingham, Khan of Newton, Chan of Quincy, Vargas of Haverhill, Lewis of Framingham and Rogers of Cambridge move to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 7010-0033 by inserting after the words, “For programs to improve literacy and early literacy;” the following language:

“including but not limited to literacy programs that meet the needs of children with deficits that indicate likely third grade reading failure, including those at risk for dyslexia, with a deficit in phonemic awareness, naming speed and letter sound knowledge, favoring programs that meet the federal statute for the essential components of reading instruction (ECORI). 20 U.S.C. § 6368(3).(5);…”


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #870 to H4400

English Language Acquisition and Literacy Programs


Lori A. Ehrlich

Frank I. Smizik