Amendment #972 to H4400

Comptroller II

Mr. Kafka of Stoughton Mr. Kafka of Stoughton moves to amend the bill in section 2B, by striking item 1599-2040 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:


“1599-2040.............For the payment of prior year deficiencies based upon schedules provided to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means; provided, that notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the comptroller may certify payments on behalf of departments for certain contracted goods or services rendered in prior fiscal years for which certain statutes, regulations or procedures were not properly followed; provided further, that the department which was a party to the transaction shall certify in writing that the services were performed or goods delivered and shall provide additional information that the comptroller may require; provided further, that the comptroller may charge departments’ current fiscal year appropriations and transfer to this item amounts equivalent to the amounts of any prior year deficiency, subject to the conditions stated in this item; provided further, that the comptroller shall assess a chargeback to that current fiscal year appropriation which is for the same purpose as that to which the prior year deficiency pertains or, if there is no appropriation for that purpose, to that current fiscal year appropriation which is most similar in purpose to the appropriation to which the prior year deficiency pertains or is for the general administration of the department that administered the appropriation to which the prior year deficiency pertains; provided further, that no chargeback shall be made which would cause a deficiency in any current fiscal year item; provided further, that the comptroller shall report with such schedule a detailed reason for the prior year deficiency on all chargebacks assessed that exceed $10,000 including the amount of the chargeback, the item and object class charged; provided further, that the comptroller shall report on a quarterly basis on all chargebacks assessed, including the amount of the chargeback, the item, object class charged and the reason for the prior year deficiency; and provided further, that the comptroller shall include in the schedules the amount of each prior year deficiency paid, the fiscal year and appropriation to which it pertained, the current fiscal year appropriation and object class to which it was charged and the department's explanation for the failure to make payment in a timely manner....................... $50,000,000"