Amendment ID: H4539-31-R1

Redraft Amendment 31

Technical Amendment

Ms. Creem moves to amend the bill by striking out section 1A and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

“SECTION 1A. Said section 121 of said chapter 140 is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph:-

As used in sections 131R to 131X, inclusive, the word “court” shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, mean the division of the district court department or the Boston municipal court department of the trial court having jurisdiction in the city or town in which the respondent resides.”; and

in section 12, by inserting after the word “order”, in line 118, the first time it appears, the following words:- “within 24 hours of granting the order”; and

in said section 12, by striking out, in line 134, the word “abuse” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “use disorders”; and

in said section 12, by inserting after the word “their”, in line 147, the following words:- “control, ownership or”; and

in said section 12, in the proposed second paragraph of subsection (a) of section 131T of chapter 140 of the General Laws, by adding the following sentence:-

“An order issued under this subsection shall expire 10 days after its issuance or upon a hearing held pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of section 131S, whichever is sooner.”