Amendment ID: H4539-36

Amendment 36

Disposition of weapons for which a lawful owner cannot be ascertained

Messrs. Keenan and Welch move to amend the bill by striking the words “may, in its discretion, trade or dispose of surplus, donated, abandoned or junk firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, weapons or ammunition to properly licensed distributors or firearms dealers and the proceeds of such sale or transfer shall be remitted or credited to the municipality in which the licensing authority presides to be used for violence reduction or suicide prevention” in lines 158 through 162 and insert in place thereof the words:- “shall dispose of said firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, weapons or ammunition by destroying or arranging for the destruction of the items at the earliest opportunity, and pursuant to regulations promulgated by the executive office of public safety.”; and

by striking the words “pursuant to section 129D” in line 224 and inserting in place thereof the words:- “by destroying or arranging for the destruction of the items at the earliest opportunity, and pursuant to regulations promulgated by the executive office of public safety.”