Amendment #8 to H4599

Lowering electric costs through battery deployment

Mr. Goldstein-Rose of Amherst moves to amend the bill by inserting after section 15 the following section –

“SECTION 15A. (a) The department of energy resources shall require utilities maintaining the Massachusetts electric grid to procure and operate at least 2,000 megawatt-hours of energy storage capacity in Massachusetts in a manner that increases efficiency, reduces peak load, and reduces costs for electricity to customers in Massachusetts. This requirement shall be implemented through each utility’s rate case. The department shall determine each utility’s required share toward such target.

(b)  Not later than June 30, 2020, each electric company entity shall submit a report to the department of energy resources demonstrating that it has complied with this energy storage system procurement requirement. The department shall charge an alternative compliance payment on any utility which has not met its share toward such target by that date.”