Amendment #20 to H4714

Industrial Mill Building Task Force

Mr. Smola of Warren moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:


"SECTION XXXX. A 13 member ‘Industrial Mill Building Task Force’ (IMBTF) shall be created and directed to formulate a plan, including the creation of necessary incentives, on how best the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can assist ‘Old Industrial Mill Buildings’, to be re-developed, rehabilitated, and revitalized, to encourage economic activity.


The IMBTF should prioritize redeveloping these Mill Buildings by encouraging these sites to become centers that utilize and produce renewable energy sources.  Incentives, such as providing an ‘Add-on’ percentage, that Utilities must add to the rate paid these facilities for any renewable energy generated at the site through: Hydropower, Solar, Geo-Thermal, Wind, Combined Heat & Power (CHP) and Energy Storage’, should be considered.


The goal is to create a new revenue stream that Mill owners can use to re-invest within these buildings, stop their further deterioration, and preserve them for future economic development. The Task Force should identify ways to improve their efficiency, make structural repairs, and allow them to offer tenants reduction in their energy costs, stimulate economic development, and lead to the creation of jobs. Any new revenue generated from ‘Add-on’ incentives MUST be reinvested into these buildings.


The Task Force is also directed to look at existing tax incentives granted through Chapter 43D Communities, and through Chapter 61 (Agricultural & Timber lands) with an eye towards creating a similar incentive for Industrial Mill Buildings.


The Task Force shall meet and issue a report, including legislative recommendations to the: Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, and the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, by February 1st, 2019.  The membership of the Mill Building Task Force, to be appointed by the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, shall consist of:


• The Secretary of Housing & Economic Development (or his designee) (1)

• The Secretary of Energy & Environmental Affairs (or his designee) (1)

• The Chairmen of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technology (2)

• The Director of MassDevelopment (or his designee)(1)

• 4 members of the State Legislature, 2 from the House of Representatives and 2 from the State Senate, who represent communities with Mill buildings (4)

• The Director of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (or his designee) (1)

• 2 owners of old Mill Buildings, one active and one inactive (2)

• 1 Representative of the Massachusetts Utilities (1)


The Secretary of Housing and Economic Development shall serve as Chairman of the Task Force.".