Amendment #7 to H4714

Equitable Broadband Attachment Policies

Mr. Kulik of Worthington moves to amend the bill by inserting the following new section:-


SECTION XX. Chapter 166 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 25A the following new section:-

Section 25B. Any municipality with access to a broadband network funded in whole or in part by state or federal public funds shall allow providers of internet access service to attach their facilities to utility, light, traffic or other poles or similar structures owned or controlled by the city or town and located in the public right-of-way, where such attachments meet applicable building and electrical codes and standards for construction in the right-of-way. Any such attachment shall be at the same cost-based rates determined by the Department of Telecommunications and Cable and Department of Public Utilities for the common carrier telephone company and electric distribution utility whose service territory includes that community.