Amendment #23 to H4738

Demand Response Resources

Mr. Hecht of Watertown moves to amend the bill by inserting, in Section 2, in line 13, after the word “time” the following words: “, including, but not limited to time-of-use rates for residential and small commercial and industrial customers”

and in Section 7, in line 57, by striking out the words “(iii) an alternative compliance mechanism for retail electricity suppliers; and (iv) the procedures by which each retail electricity supplier shall annually submit for the department’s review a filing demonstrating its compliance with the requirements of this section.” and inserting in the place thereof the words “(iii) the establishment of a minimum percentage of clean peak certificates that must be derived from demand response resources; (iv) an alternative compliance mechanism for retail electricity suppliers; and (v) the procedures by which each retail electricity supplier shall annually submit for the department’s review a filing demonstrating its compliance with the requirements of this section.”