Amendment ID: S16-3

Amendment 3

Preventing Unnecessary Stipends

Ms. Chang-Diaz moves to amend the bill in Section 2, by striking subsection (e) and by adding after subsection (g) of the following two subsections:-

(h) Not more than 20 per cent of a political party’s membership in the senate shall be compensated for service as a member of that party’s leadership, and not more than 10 per cent of a political party’s membership in the house of representatives shall be compensated for service as a member of that party’s leadership; provided that, for the purposes of this subsection, “party leadership” shall not include the following positions: speaker of the house; president of the senate; or the chair, vice chair, assistant vice chair, or ranking minority member of any senate or house committee; provided further that, in the case that 20 per cent or 10 per cent does not result in a whole number, the number of members permitted to be compensated for service in leadership shall be rounded up to the nearest one member.

(i) The chairs of all other committees of the senate and house of representatives established by the joint rules of the senate and house of representatives or by the rules of the senate or the rules of the house of representatives, from time to time, the vice chair of the house committee on rules, the ranking minority member of the house committee on rules, the vice chair of the house committee on post audit and oversight, the assistant vice chair of the senate committee on ways and means, the assistant vice chair of the house committee on ways and means, the assistant ranking minority member of the house committee on ways and means, the house vice chair of the committee on financial services, the ranking minority member of the house committee on financial services, the house vice chair of the committee on health care financing, the house vice chair of the committee on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets, the house ranking minority member of the committee on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets, the house vice chair of the committee on state administration and regulatory oversight, the house vice chair of the committee on economic development and emerging technologies, the ranking minority member of the house committee on economic development and emerging technologies, the vice chair of the house committee on revenue, the senate and house ranking minority members of the committee on health care financing, the house vice chair of the committee on the judiciary, the ranking minority member of the house committee on the judiciary, the house vice chair of the committee on transportation, the vice chair of the house committee on bills in the third reading, the vice chair of the house committee on steering, policy and scheduling, the house vice chair of the committee on education and the house vice chair of the committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy shall each receive for each regular annual session, in addition to the base compensation calculated pursuant to Article CXVIII, additional regular compensation in the amount of $15,000.