Amendment ID: S2113-8-R1

Redraft Amendment 8

Development of substance addiction and prevention curriculum in public schools

Ms. O'Connor Ives moves to amend the bill by adding Chapter 71 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 32A the following section:-

(e)  The department of elementary and secondary education in coordination with the department of public health shall provide guidance and resources for each city, town, regional school district, vocational school district or charter school for the purpose of substance abuse and addiction prevention which shall align with the health curriculum framework and address the following topics: tobacco, alcohol, opiate and prescription drug diversion and abuse and other substance use and abuse prevention, conflict resolution, healthy coping behavior, student and community mental health resources and peer leadership. The curriculum shall take into account the best practices and policies in other states. The adolescent substance abuse and addiction prevention curriculum shall be incorporated into the health curriculum in grades 4 to 12 for all students in the public schools for the 2018-2019 school year.

SECTION 2. The Bureau of Substance Abuse Services in the Department of Public Health shall provide training and professional development resources necessary with the implementation of section (e).