Amendment ID: S2202-16

Amendment 16

Mental Health Peer Specialist Certification Commission

Ms. Friedman moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

SECTION XX. There shall be a special commission to investigate, study, and evaluate the scope of mental health peer support programs in all regions of the commonwealth to determine the scope of peer programs, classification and types of peer specialists, and appropriate training and certification requirements for such programs. The commission shall consist of the co-chairs of the joint committee on mental health, substance use, and recovery, who shall serve as co-chairs of the commission; the secretary of health and human services or a designee who is a medical professional; the commissioner of mental health or a designee who is a medical professional; the commissioner of public health or a designee; the director of Medicaid or a designee; 1 representative appointed by the commissioner of the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission or a designee; 1 representative from the Transformation Center, a statewide peer-job training organization; 1 representative from the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership; 1 representative from the Association for Behavioral Healthcare; 1 representative from the National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts; 1 individual with lived experience as a consumer of mental health services appointed by the co-chairs of the commission; and 1 family member of a mental health consumer appointed by the co-chairs of the commission.

The commission study shall include, but not be limited to, an examination and identification of best practices related to training and credential requirements for peer specialist programs, including: (1) types and categories of services provided by peer programs, including support, rehabilitation and clinical programs; (2) types and categories of services that require certification; (3) supervision required for categories of services that require certification; (4) hours of formal work or volunteer experience related to mental health and substance use disorders conducted through such programs; (5) types of peer-support specialist exams required for such programs; (6) codes of ethics used by such programs; (7) required or recommended skill sets for such programs; (8) requirements for continuing education; (9) any other criteria necessary to develop peer specialist certification requirements; and (10) best practices from other states.

The commission shall submit its findings and recommendations, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry those recommendations into effect by filing the same with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate, to the department of mental health and the joint committee on mental health, substance use, and recovery not later than 1 year after the enactment of this act.