Amendment ID: S2202-31-R1

Redraft Amendment 31

Workplace Care

Messrs. Rush and Pacheco, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Brady and O'Connor move to amend the bill by inserting after section 141 the following section:-

“SECTION 141A.  Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the health policy commission shall issue a report on expanding the scope of practice for athletic trainers. The report shall be based on available evidence and information and shall include any legislative and regulatory recommendations on: (i) the safety, efficacy, access and cost of health care services provided by athletic trainers in workplace care settings; and (ii) improving workforce health and reducing health care costs by increasing the employment of athletic trainers in workplace care settings. The commission shall file its report with the joint committee on health care finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than June 1, 2018.”.