Amendment ID: S2506-5

Amendment 5

Special Education Enrollment

Mr. Ross moves that the proposed new draft be amended in section 1, by striking the definition of “Assumed in-school special education enrollment”, in lines 5 to 7, inclusive, and inserting in place thereof the following:-

"Assumed in-school special education enrollment", the prior 5 year district average percentage of students included in foundation enrollments on Special Education Individual Education Plans who attend district schools.

And moves to further amend said section 1 by inserting after the word “enrollment.”, in line 7, the following new definition:-

"Assumed tuitioned-out special education enrollment", the prior 5 year district average percentage of students included in foundation enrollments on Special Education Individual Education Plans whom the district has placed in out of district placements.

And moves to further amend said section 1 by inserting after the word “enrollment,” in line 63, the following words:- “assumed tuitioned-out special education enrollment,”.