Amendment ID: S2531-12

Amendment 12

Industry Diversity

Mr. Collins moves that the proposed new text be amended in item 7002-0015, in line 71, by adding after the word "program" the following: ";provided, further, that funds shall be expended annually for capital grants related to diversity in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology in the commonwealth, which shall include but not be limited to investments in minority-owned businesses, grants to school districts, the University of Massachusetts, and community colleges with significant minority populations, and the planning and implementation of strategies to increase diversity in the workforce in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology; and provided further, that the department shall issue an annual report to the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than February 1 on the total funds expended and the number and type of grants awarded: (i) to minority-owned businesses; (ii) to school districts with significant minority student populations; (iii) to University of Massachusetts colleges and private colleges and universities, broken down by school; (iv) to community colleges, broken down by school; (v) for existing or new initiatives to increase workforce diversity in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology"