Amendment ID: S2609-6

Amendment 6

Municipal representation for recovery coach commission

Messrs. Lewis and O'Connor move that the proposed new text be amended by striking SECTION 87 and inserting in place thereof the following:-

SECTION 87. There shall be a commission to review and make recommendations regarding the standards for credentialing a recovery coach, including whether recovery coaches should be subject to a board of registration through the department of public health.

The commission shall consist of: the secretary of health and human services or a designee, who shall serve as chair; the commissioner of public health or a designee; the director of Medicaid or a designee; and 10 persons who shall be appointed by the secretary of health and human services, 2 municipal representatives- 1 of whom shall be from a municipality that directly or indirectly employs a recovery coach, 1 of whom shall have expertise in training recovery coaches, 1 of whom shall be a community provider who employs recovery coaches, 1 of whom shall represent a hospital who employs recovery coaches, 1 of whom shall be a family member to an individual with a substance use disorder, 1 of whom shall have lived experience with addiction, 1 of whom shall represent payers, 1 of whom shall currently be employed as a recovery coach and 1 of whom shall be a psychiatrist specializing in addiction.

The commission shall submit its findings and recommendations, together with drafts of legislation, in any, necessary to carry those recommendations into effect, with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives and the joint committee on mental health, substance use and recovery not later than 1 year from the effective date of this act.