Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-1005
TRP 1005
MBTA Capacity and State of Good Repair Reporting
Messrs. McGee and Lewis moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section ___, the following new section:-
“SECTION _____. (a) The secretary of transportation shall prepare a report that includes an analysis and assessment of current capacity constraints, safety conditions and the state of good repair of the commonwealth’s transportation system, including all modes of surface transportation. The assessment shall analyze the current planned operating and capital expenditures of the department, including the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the regional transit authorities, and shall consider and state the baseline of the surface transportation revenues currently available and projected to be available from all sources in all modes of surface transportation, regardless of the fund in which they are kept, from fiscal year 2018 through fiscal year 2028. The baseline assessment shall: (i) project spending for the maintenance of the existing system, the completion of all expansion projects the commonwealth is legally bound to complete and capital improvements and projects included in the fiscally-constrained, long-range transportation plans mandated by federal law; (ii) consider and incorporate any additional expenditures necessary to implement the most recent capital plans of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. The report shall recommend specific and quantified potential new revenue sources pertaining to both operating and capital funds in fiscal year 2018 through fiscal year 2028, in order to fully address any deficiencies in capacity, safety or state of good repair identified in its assessment; provided, that the report’s revenue recommendations shall consider the needs of both the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the statewide transportation system and provided further that said report may include recommendations beyond own-source revenues and shall remain consistent with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority fare policy set forth in section 61 of chapter 46 of the acts of 2013.
(b) The secretary shall provide a status update of department and authority actions relative to the items identified in this section with the joint committee on transportation not later than December 1, 2017 and shall file its final report with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate, the joint committee on transportation and the house and senate committees on ways and means not later than June 1, 2018. Thereafter, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Fiscal and Management Control Board, established in section 80A, shall provide monthly updates to the joint committee on transportation.”