Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-85
EDU 85
Dyslexia Screening Procedures
Messrs. Tarr, Moore, Humason, O'Connor, deMacedo and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section __, the following new section:-
SECTION __. Chapter 71 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding after section 57 the following section:-
SECTION 57A. (a) For the purposes of this section the following word will have the following meaning:
Neurological Learning Disability: “a specific learning disability, including but not limited to dyslexia, that is neurological in origin with indicators that include but not limited to, difficulty in acquiring language skills; inability to comprehend oral or written language; difficulty in rhyming words; difficulty in naming letters, recognizing letters, matching letters to sounds, and blending sounds when speaking and reading words; difficulty recognizing and remembering sight words; consistent transposition of number sequences, letter reversals, inversions, and substitutes and trouble in replication of content.”
(b) The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall issue guidelines for districts, subject to appropriation, to develop screening procedures or protocols to identify students who possess one or more potential indicators of a neurological learning disability including but not limited to dyslexia.
SECTION 2. Section 1 of Chapter 287 of the Acts of 2012 is hereby amended by inserting after the word “assessments”, in line 40, the following words:-- “, identification of neurological learning disabilities including but not limited to dyslexia”.
SECTION 3. Said section 1 of said chapter 287 of the Acts of 2012 is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “education”, in line 8, the following:-- “The secretary shall appoint 1 member to the panel who represents and/or is a member of a dyslexia advocacy organization.”
SECTION 4. Said section 1 of said chapter 287 of the Acts of 2012 is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “development”, in line 51, the following:-- “; and (7) action steps to implement the research-based recommendations including but not limited to teacher preparation programs contained in reports written by experts in early language and literacy development with respect to reading disabilities including but not limited to dyslexia.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-86
EDU 86
Regional School Transportation
Messrs. Tarr, Humason, Eldridge, Fattman and O'Connor, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Ms. Lovely and Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7035-0006, in Section 2, in item 7035-0006, by striking out the figures “$61,021,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$66,021,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-87
EDU 87
Forty Dollar Minimum Per Pupil Aid
Messrs. Tarr, Humason, O'Connor and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-0008, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that minimum per pupil aid is at least forty dollars per pupil; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$4,756,814,887" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$4,762,314,887.00"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-88
EDU 88
Fifty Dollars minimum aid per pupil
Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor, deMacedo and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-0008, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that minimum per pupil aid is at least fifty dollars per pupil; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$4,756,814,887" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$ $4,767,814,887"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-89
EDU 89
Unfunded Education Mandates
Messrs. Tarr, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section ___, the following new section:-
“SECTION __. Chapter 15 of the general laws is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following section:-
SECTION __. Unfunded Education Mandates
If the division of local mandates, established under section 6 of chapter 11, determines that a law, rule or regulation related to education has not been paid in full by the commonwealth using the procedures established by section 27C(d) of chapter 29, then a city, town, or school district may petition the department of elementary and secondary education for a waiver from said law, rule or regulation, or any part thereof. The department shall grant the waiver unless it determines that the absence of the mandate will lower the quality of education provided; provided, however, that the petition shall be deemed granted if the department fails to respond within 90 days of the submission of the petition request.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-90
EDU 90
Pension Benefits Review
Messrs. Tarr, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__, the following new section:-
Section__. The Auditor of the Commonwealth in consultation with the Secretary of Education and the Board of Higher Education, shall conduct an investigation and review of the compensation and pension benefits of chief executives and administrative staff of public institutions of higher learning funded by the Commonwealth, for the purpose of determining the levels of such compensation compared to similar institutions within the Commonwealth and those in their respective cohorts in the region, provided that said analysis shall include regular compensation, paid vacation, sick leave and other benefits.
Subsequent to such investigation and review, the Board of Higher Education shall establish benchmarks and standards for all forms of such compensation.
The results of said investigation and review, together with developed benchmarks, shall be reported to the clerks of the House and Senate not later than December 31, 2017.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-91
EDU 91
Special Education Services Delivery
Messrs. Tarr, Humason, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section__, the following new section:-
“SECTION__. The department of elementary and secondary education in partnership with one or more Massachusetts institutions of higher learning, local educational authorities and private educational providers, shall study the delivery of special education services in the commonwealth pursuant to chapter 71B of the General Laws and all applicable federal laws, including the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act of 1990.
Said study shall include a comprehensive evaluation of existing and potential models for providing special education, and the associated costs and benefits, including but not limited to the costs of personnel compensation, transportation, housing and assistive technologies. Said study shall also seek to identify means by which services and instruction may be provided in a proactive manner, without the requirement or need for an individual education plan, but so as to maximize learning progress in local educational settings.
Said study, together with any legislative recommendations, shall be filed with the joint committee on education and the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives not later than May 1, 2018.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-96
EDU 96
Improving Overall Student Performance and Opportunity #3 - Recess
Messrs. Rush and McGee, Ms. Gobi, Mr. O'Connor, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Ms. Lovely, Messrs. Fattman, Montigny and Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new section:-
SECTION __. Section 1G of chapter 69 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new paragraph:-
All children in grades kindergarten through five attending public schools shall receive one hundred minutes of supervised, safe, and unstructured free-play recess each week so that there are at least twenty consecutive minutes of free-play recess per day. As used herein, the term "free play" means an unstructured environment, but which is supervised by appropriate school personnel or staff. Regulations promulgated by the department may not exclude recess from structured learning time requirements for elementary school children and may not increase the total number of hours required in the school year to meet the provisions of this subsection.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-99-R2
2nd Redraft EDU 99
Improving Overall Student Performance and Opportunity #1 – DDMs
Mr. Rush, Ms. L'Italien, Mr. Keenan, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Messrs. Timilty and Welch moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new sections:-
SECTION __. Section 1B of chapter 69 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “standards.”, in line 78, the following words:-
Notwithstanding any other provision of the general or special laws, the board shall not mandate the creation or use of a student impact rating in educator evaluations intended to measure an individual educator’s impact on student learning, growth, or achievement.
SECTION __. Section 38 of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking the sentence after the word “years.”, in line 37, and inserting the following words:-
“The selection and implementation of any principles of evaluation established by the board of education and the procedures for conducting such evaluations, but not the requirement for such evaluations, shall be subject to the collective bargaining provisions of chapter one hundred fifty E."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-101-R3
3rd Redraft EDU 101
Project Bread - The Walk For Hunger and Chefs in Schools
Ms. Gobi and Mr. McGee moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7053-1925, by inserting after the word “that”, in line 3, the following words:- “funding shall be expended for a grant with Project Bread – The Walk For Hunger, Inc. to enhance and expand the summer food service program and a school breakfast outreach program; provided further, that”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-102-R1
Redraft EDU 102
Regional School Transportation Reimbursements
Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Eldridge, Moore, Humason, Ross, Hinds, Lesser and O'Connor, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Messrs. Tarr and Pacheco moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7035-0006, by striking out the figure "$61,021,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$62,271,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-103-R1
Redraft EDU 103
Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Eldridge, Ross, Brownsberger and Lewis, Ms. Creem, Messrs. McGee, Brady, Cyr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0012, <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by striking the figure “21,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$22,000,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-104
EDU 104
Loan Forgiveness Task Force
Messrs. Tarr, Humason, O'Connor and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section ___, the following new section:-“Section XX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special task force to review and report on the economic impact of loan forgiveness programs to ensure that college graduates stay, work, and build businesses in Massachusetts. The task force shall consist of 13 members: the house and senate chairs of the joint committees on economic development and emerging technologies and higher education or their designees, who shall serve as the co-chairs of the task force; a member of the general court appointed by the senate minority leader; a member of the general court appointed by the house minority leader; the executive director of the Massachusetts Workforce Development Board, or a designee; the executive director of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, or a designee; and 5 persons to be appointed by the secretary of labor and workforce development, 1 of whom shall be an employee of the commonwealth in the office of the secretary of labor and workforce development, 2 of whom shall be selected from a list of 5 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Business Roundtable, and 2 of whom shall be selected from a list of 5 persons nominated by the chancellor of the university of Massachusetts.
This task force shall: (i) identify and review the state laws, regulations, and administrative directives that prescribe loan forgiveness; (ii) identify the key labor sectors that would best benefit from grants and fellowships within the commonwealth; and (iii) develop recommendations to establish legislative procedures to provide funding, regulate, and grant loan forgiveness to eligible applicants.
The task force shall submit a report, including any draft legislation and regulations, to the clerks of the house and representatives and the senate within 12 months of the passage of this act."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-105
EDU 105
Non Member Voke Transportation Reimbursement
Ms. Gobi and Mr. Eldridge moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7035-0007, by striking out the figures “$250,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$1,798,569
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-106
EDU 106
Affordable Childcare for Barnstable County
Mr. Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1000, by inserting after the word "basis;" the following: "provided further, that $400,000 shall be expended to the Cape Cod Children's Place to assist in renovations and expand services to local families"; and in said item by striking out the figures "$5,711,617" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$6,111,617"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-107
EDU 107
SPED Rate Increase
Ms. Flanagan, Messrs. Humason and Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended By inserting, after section ___, the following new section: - “Section ___. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the bureau of purchased services in the operational services division shall determine prices for programs under chapter 71B of the General Laws in fiscal year 2018 by increasing the final fiscal year 2017 price by the rate of inflation as determined by the division. The division shall adjust prices for extraordinary relief as defined in 808 CMR 1.06(4). The division shall accept applications for program reconstruction and special circumstances in fiscal year 2018. The division shall authorize the annual price for out-of-state purchasers requested by a program, not to exceed a maximum price determined by the bureau, by identifying the most recent price calculated for the program and applying the estimated rate of inflation for each year, as determined by the bureau under section 22N of chapter 7 of the General Laws, in which the rate of inflation is frozen beginning with fiscal year 2004, in a compounded manner for each fiscal year.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-108
EDU 108
Mount Wachusett Community College - Brewer Center for Civic Learning & Community Engagement
Ms. Flanagan, Mr. Eldridge and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after line-item 7520-0424 the following item: "xxxx-xxxx For the Senator Stephen M. Brewer Center for Civic Learning & Community Engagement at Mount Wachusett Community College, to increase service learning and volunteerism in North Central Massachusetts, to support the development of a food pantry and other emergency services for students at risk of dropping out due to financial circumstances, for deliberative dialogues within the community addressing issues of concern within society, and, for programmatic development, updates and technologies within the Center.......... $100,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-109
EDU 109
Mount Wachusett Community College - Automotive Technology Center
Ms. Flanagan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7100-4000, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that not less than $50,000 be expended for costs related to relocation and modernization of equipment for the Mount Wachusett Community College - Automotive Technology Center in Fitchburg, Massachusetts"; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$2,824,104" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$2,874,104".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-110
EDU 110
Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Technical Assistance
Ms. Flanagan, Mr. McGee, Ms. Gobi and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1020, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided further that not less than $1,000,000 to be expended by the Department of Early Education and Care for technical assistance related to healthy eating and physical activity within the Massachusetts Quality Rating Improvement System to be offered to early education and after school providers engaged in QRIS"; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$31,762,455” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$32,762,455”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-111
EDU 111
Auto Tech Training Program
Messrs. Rush and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7100-4000, by adding at the end thereof the following:- "provided further, that an amount not less than $75,000 shall be expended to implement an automotive repair technician training and job placement program established pursuant to section 57 of chapter 74 of the General Laws"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-113-R1
Redraft EDU 113
School-to-Career Connecting Activities
Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Cyr, Eldridge, Brownsberger, Rush, Lewis, Moore, McGee and O'Connor, Ms. Lovely, Messrs. Humason and Montigny and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by striking the figure "$2,600,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$2,950,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-114
EDU 114
Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center Retained Revenue
Ms. Chang-Diaz and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7515-0121, in the second line, by adding after the word “that” the following new language:- "notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary,"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-115
EDU 115
Educational Services for Students with Limited or Interupted Formal Education
Messrs. McGee and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-1004, by adding the following: "provided further that no less than $5,000,000 shall be expended for educational services for students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE); and in said item, by striking out the figures “$881,954” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$5,881,954"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-116
EDU 116
Pay Raises for Early Educators
Messrs. McGee, Cyr, Lewis, Eldridge and Brownsberger, Ms. Lovely, Ms. O'Connor Ives and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1042, by striking 3000-1042 and inserting in place thereof the following item:-
"3000-1042 For a reimbursement rate increase for subsidized early education and care and for salaries, benefits, and stipends for professional development of early educators or programmatic quality improvements; provided, that funds appropriated in this item shall be used to increase such reimbursement rate by an equal percentage for all such providers............................................................ $13,000,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-119
EDU 119
Leomisnter Yes We Care/Torch Training Program for teens
Ms. Flanagan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended to the Yes We Care/Torch Training program”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-120
EDU 120
Westford School Technology Upgrade
Ms. Donoghue moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for costs associated with technological upgrades for the Westford public school district”; and in said item by striking out the figure “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$12,469,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-121-R1
Redraft EDU 121
YouthBuild Grants
Ms. Donoghue, Messrs. Moore and Eldridge, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Brownsberger, Lewis, Montigny, McGee, Brady, Lesser and O'Connor and Ms. Lovely moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9626, by striking out the figure “$2,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$2,250,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-122
EDU 122
Andover Special Education One-Time Funding
Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-0012, by adding at the end thereof the following language: “provided further, that not less than $800,000 shall be expended on provision of extraordinary relief to school districts whose special education costs exceed 25 per cent of the total district costs and whose tuition and other circuit-breaker eligible costs for placements at an approved private school located within the district exceed both $1,000,000 and 15 per cent of all tuition and other circuit-breaker eligible costs for placements at approved private schools; provided further, that funds distributed from this item shall not be considered prior year aid nor shall the funds be used in the calculation of the minimum required local contribution for fiscal year 2018; and provided further, that the department shall make not less than 80 percent of the funds available for awards on or before October 15, 2017.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-123
EDU 123
Center for Public Policy at Lasell College
Ms. Flanagan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7066-0000, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided that $30,000 be expended for the creation of a Center for Public Policy at Lasell College”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$4,354,762” and inserting in place thereof the figures $4,384,762.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-124
EDU 124
Keverian School Flooring
Mr. Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 1599-0026, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that $70,000 shall be expended to provide for rubber flooring for the Keverian School Tot Lot in Everett
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-125-R1
Redraft EDU 125
Kennedy Center Facility
Mr. Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 1599-0026, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that $60,000 shall be expended for The John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, Inc. for upgrades for the Kennedy Center facility in the Charlestown section of the city of Boston”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-126-R1
Redraft EDU 126
Reach out and Read
Mr. Boncore, Ms. Flanagan, Messrs. deMacedo, Moore, Ross, Cyr, Lewis, Timilty, McGee, Brady, O'Connor, Rush, Humason and Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 3000-7050 the following new item:
“3000-7070 For Reach out and Read, Inc.; provided, that the funds distributed through Reach Out and Read, Inc. shall be contingent upon a match of not less than $1 in private or corporate contributions for every $1 in state grant funding…………… $250,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-128
EDU 128
Rural Sparsity Aid
Messrs. Hinds, Humason, Moore and Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting, after section 114, the following new section: -
SECTION 115. The department of elementary and secondary education shall conduct a feasibility study relative to establishing a formula for aid to be distributed to rural school districts in the Commonwealth. Said formula shall include, but not be limited to, such criteria as total student enrollment, density of student enrollment per square mile, per capita income and other factors pertaining to rural school district funding. The department shall report the results of the study to the joint committee on education, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the rural policy commission no later than January 1, 2018.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-129-R1
Redraft EDU 129
Pittsfield Early Education
Mr. Hinds moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1000, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to preserve early education programs in Pittsfield”; and in said line item by striking out the figures “$5,711,617” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$5,761,617”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-130
EDU 130
Berkshire Cultural Resource Center
Mr. Hinds moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after item 7113-0100 the following item:
“xxxx-xxxx For the Berkshire Cultural Resource Center at Gallery 51 in the city of North Adams to be administered by the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts……………...............$75,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-131
EDU 131
Adams-Cheshire Regional School District
Mr. Hinds moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for grants to the Adams-Cheshire regional school district for the purpose of offsetting increased costs”; and in said line item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,469,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-132-R1
Redraft EDU 132
Messrs. Tarr, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after SECTION 7 the following new section:-
"SECTION _ . Chapter 10 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 35DDD the following section:-
Section 35EEE. Learning Innovation for Tomorrow Fund
Section 35EEE. There shall be established and set upon the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Learning Innovation for Tomorrow (LIFT) fund, whose purpose shall be to finance the development and implementation of innovation in the public education of students throughout the commonwealth, without regard or preference to any particular geographic location or region of the commonwealth.
Amounts shall be credited to the fund pursuant to clause (i), (ii) and (iii) of this section, provided that the fund may be supplemented through appropriation from the general fund or other available sources including but not limited to any interest earned on monies in the fund; any funds from private sources including, but not limited to, gifts, grants and donations received by the commonwealth that are specifically designated to be credited to the fund, provided further that expenditure from the fund shall be made pursuant to a specific line item created to distribute funding by the Department of elementary, and secondary education.
Funds may be expended from the fund for the following purposes:
(1) To fund the recommendations of the Foundation Budget review commission as established under section 4 of chapter 70 in accordance with the implementation schedule established under SECTION 19 of this act
In promulgating regulations to administer the fund, the department shall establish and monitor measurable benchmarks for progress and accomplishment, and shall report annually to the clerks of the house and senate, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education, and the secretary of education not later than December 31 of each year on the impacts of fund spending.
moves to further amendment by inserting after section __the following new section:-
SECTION_.(i). Section 64 of chapter 23k of the general laws as appearing in the 2014 official edition is hereby amended by striking out from line 6-12 the following:-“provided, however that 35 per cent of the funds received shall be appropriated for the purposes of higher education to supplement, not offset, any reduction in the general appropriation act from the previous fiscal year; and provided further, that any expenditures from the fund for K-12 education shall be used to supplement, and not offset, any reduction in line item 7061-0008 of the general appropriation act from the previous fiscal year’s general appropriation act” and inserting in place thereof the following:-“provided, however, that 40 per cent of the funds received shall be appropriated for the purposes of higher education and provided further, that 60 per cent of the funds received shall be appropriated to the learning education for tomorrow fund as establish under this act.
(ii). Section 10 of chapter 152 of the acts of 1997 are hereby amended by inserting in at the end of sub clause (iii) in clause (C) the following:- (iv) Not less than twenty million plus fifty per cent of surplus over required debt service to the learning education for tomorrow fund as establish under this act.
(iii). Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, prior to transferring the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund under section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the comptroller shall dispose of the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds as follows: (1) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000, to the Massachusetts Community Preservation Trust Fund established in section 9 of chapter 44B of the General Laws; (ii) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000, to the Massachusetts Life Sciences Investment Fund established in section 6 of the chapter 23I of the General Laws; and (iii) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000 to the learning innovation for tomorrow fund established under this act.
Moves to further amend by inserting after SECTION __, the following new section:-
SECTION_. Chapter 195 of the acts of 2014 are hereby repealed"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-133
EDU 133
Reducing the Cost of College Textbooks
Messrs. Tarr, Timilty, O'Connor and Ross and Ms. Lovely moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section _ the following new section:-
"SECTION __. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary the Department of Higher Education is hereby authorized and directed to establish suggested guidelines and protocols in accordance with U.S. Department of Education Regulation 668.164C to encourage and assist Colleges and Universities with the implementation of programs which reduce the cost of college textbooks and other educational materials.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-134
EDU 134
Innovation Schools
Messrs. Tarr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9011, by inserting, at the end thereof the following:-
provided further, that up to $500,000 may be expended for innovation school activity focused on extending learning time in eligible schools; provided further, that preference shall be given to schools which provide a coherent plan to use extended time to ensure a robust and balanced curriculum of literacy and literature, numeracy, STEM, civics education, and humanities and the arts, and alternative education for students for whom such education will prevent dropout or truancy status; provided further, that some portion may be expended on planning or implementation grants for schools to develop and carry out voluntary and locally driven school site-level intervention and redesign carried out in collaboration with the teachers, faculty and parents of the school; provided further, that preference in the awarding of those grants shall be given to plans with approval from the local union, school administrators and school committee, and for schools currently undertaking such redesign with federal funds that will be expended and liquidated in fiscal years 2016 and 2017 for which the grants will provide consistency and continuity of reform efforts; provided further, that, in awarding the grants, the department shall also ensure consistency and alignment with any similar efforts being proposed or funded through item 7061-9408 and other redesign and turnaround efforts at the department; and provided further, that up to $225,000 may be expended through June 30, 2018 on innovation fellowships in sponsoring school districts that will participate in an in-depth, year-long planning process which shall include, but not be limited to, a comprehensive review and analysis of the department's District Standards and Indicators, Conditions for School Effectiveness and other priorities of the department; and further moves to amend item 7061-9011 by striking the figure “300,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “800,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-135
EDU 135
Literacy Program Funding
Messrs. Tarr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0033, by striking the figure "$250,000" and inserting in place thereof "$350,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-136
EDU 136
Literacy Programs for Students with Dyslexia
Messrs. Tarr, Moore, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0033, by inserting at the end thereof the following:-
“provided further, that funds shall be expended on programs proven to be effective for students with dyslexia.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-137-R1
Redraft EDU 137
Adult Basic Education
Mr. Eldridge, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Brownsberger, Cyr, Keenan and Lewis, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Montigny, Rush, McGee, Hinds and Tarr, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Ms. Lovely and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7035-0002, <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by striking out the figure "$30,250,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$30,750,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-138
EDU 138
Municipal Libraries Local Aid
Messrs. Eldridge, Humason, Hinds and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7000-9501, by striking out the figure “$9,750,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$10,127,412”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-139
EDU 139
Career Pathway Pilot Program
Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7511-0100, by inserting at the following words:-
“provided, that not less than $25,000 shall be made available for the development and implementation of a career pathway pilot program that partners Wellspring House, Inc. with North Shore Community College”
and further moves to amend said item by striking the figure “22,046,841” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “22,071,841”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-140
EDU 140
Three Year College Degrees and Joint Degree Programs
Messrs. Tarr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7100-0200, by inserting at the end thereof the following:-
“; provided further that the University of Massachusetts shall develop and implement a plan (1) to offer three-year degree programs for each bachelors’ degree offered in the university system and (2) to offer accelerated joint bachelors and professional degree programs, to be implemented in the 2015 school year. If the University of Massachusetts determines that it is impracticable to accelerate certain programs, the report shall explain the reasons why such accelerated programs are impracticable.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-141
EDU 141
Marine Trades Education
Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor, Moore and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by adding at the end thereof the following:-
“provided, that, notwithstanding any special or general law to the contrary, no less than $100,000 shall be awarded on a competitive grant application basis to one or more high schools to enable provision of marine trades education, with preference to applicants acting in partnership with one or more non-profit or business entities expert in the curriculum and facilities needed to maximize student readiness for post-secondary school employment”
And moves to further amend said section by striking the figure “2,600,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “2,700,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-142-R1
Redraft EDU 142
Curriculum Development in Abington Public Schools District
Mr. Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the Abington public schools district for costs associated with updating curriculum”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the following figures “$12,394,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-143
EDU 143
Foundation Budget Review Commission
Messrs. Tarr, Humason, O'Connor and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new section:-
“Section __. There shall be a foundation budget review commission to review, every 3 years, the way foundation budgets are calculated and to make recommendations for potential changes in those calculations as the commission deems appropriate. In conducting such review, the commission shall seek to determine the educational programs and services necessary to achieve the commonwealth's educational goals and to prepare students to achieve passing scores on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System examinations or other designated statewide assessments. The review shall include, but not be limited to, those components of the foundation budget created pursuant to section 3 of chapter 70 and subsequent changes made to the foundation budget by law. In addition, the commission shall seek to determine and recommend measures to promote the adoption of ways in which resources can be most effectively utilized and consider various models of efficient and effective resource allocation. In carrying out the review, the commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall provide to the commission any data and information the commissioner considers relevant to the commission's charge.
The commission shall include the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education, who shall serve as co-chairs, the secretary of education, the commissioner of elementary and secondary education, the commissioner of early education and care, the speaker of the house of representatives or a designee, the president of the senate or a designee, the minority leader of the house of representatives or a designee, the minority leader of the senate or a designee, the governor or a designee, the chair of the house committee on ways and means or a designee, the chair of the senate committee on ways and means or a designee and 1 member to be appointed by each of the following organizations: the Massachusetts Municipal Association, Inc., the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, Inc., the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Inc., the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Inc., the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators, Inc., the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools, Inc. and the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials. Members shall not receive compensation for their services but may receive reimbursement for the reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their responsibilities as members of the commission. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall furnish reasonable staff and other support for the work of the commission. Prior to issuing its recommendations, the commission shall conduct not fewer than 4 public hearings across regions of the commonwealth. The commission shall be considered a special commission established by section 2A of chapter 4 and shall be subject to the provisions of said section 2A of chapter 4. It shall not constitute a violation of chapter 268A for state employee or a person employed by a school district to serve on the commission or to participate in commission deliberations that may have a financial impact on the district employing that person, on the commonwealth, or on the rate at which that person may be compensated. The commission may establish procedures to ensure that no such person participates in commission deliberations that may directly affect the school districts employing those persons or that may directly affect the rate at which those persons are compensated.
The first report pursuant to section 9 of this act shall be made on or before November 1, 2019."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-144
EDU 144
Professional Development in Rockland Public Schools District
Mr. Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for Rockland public schools district for teacher training to develop and support an English language learner program; provided further, that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for Rockland public schools district for teacher training to develop and support Special Education programs”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,399,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,429,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-145
EDU 145
Extraordinary Special Education Costs
Messrs. Brownsberger and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-0012, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided that not less than $500,000 be expended for the purpose of school districts in which special education costs exceed 25 per cent of the total district costs and in which tuition and other circuit-breaker eligible costs for placements at an approved private school located within the district exceed both $1,000,000 and 25 per cent of all tuition and other circuit-breaker eligible costs for placements at approved private schools”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$293,740,396” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$294,240,396”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-147-R1
Redraft EDU 147
Boston Scholar Athletes
Ms. Forry and Mr. Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by adding the following, “provided further that $25,000 shall be expended for Boston Scholar Athletes for its athletic and professional training programming." and in said item by striking out the figure "$2,425,000" and inserting in its place "$2,450,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-149
EDU 149
JFK Library Civics Education
Ms. Forry, Messrs. Cyr, Rush, Timilty, Brady, Barrett, McGee, O'Connor and Boncore, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Eldridge and Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, By adding the following, “provided further, that not less than $500,000 shall be expended for the implementation of an educational program coordinated by the JFK Library Foundation, that focuses on underserved communities across the Commonwealth, provided further, that the JFK Library Foundation shall seek private funds equal to $1 for every $1 contributed by the Commonwealth”. and in said item by striking the figure "$12,369,863" and inserting in its place the figure "$12,869,863".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-150
EDU 150
Mount Wachusett Community College Manufacturing and Technology Training Programs
Messrs. Eldridge and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7509-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “; provided, that not less than $150,000 shall be made available for advanced manufacturing and technology training programs at the Devens Campus.”; and in said line item by striking out the figure "$14,856,036 " and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$15,006,036".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-151
EDU 151
More Than Words
Mr. Barrett moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided further, that $50,000 shall be expended for More Than Words to support its vocational program for system-involved youth”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$2,600,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,650,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-154-R2
2nd Redraft EDU 154
Regional School District Foundation Budget Commission
Ms. Chandler, Messrs. Cyr, Eldridge, Moore, Pacheco, Tarr, Ross and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 100 the following section:-
“SECTION 100A. There shall be a regional school district foundation budget commission to review the way that regional school districts are funded and to recommend a framework that better accounts for differences between the towns that make up these districts and how the funding is distributed. In conducting the review, the commission shall seek to determine, with respect to regional school districts, the educational programs and services necessary to achieve the commonwealth's educational goals and to prepare students to achieve passing scores on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System examinations. The review shall include, but not be limited to, those components of the regional school district foundation budget established pursuant to section 3 of chapter 70 of the General Laws. Further, the commission shall seek to determine and recommend measures to promote the adoption of ways in which resources may be most effectively utilized and consider various models of efficient and effective resource allocation. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall provide any data and information to the commission that the commissioner considers relevant to the commission’s charge.
The commission shall consist of 1 person who shall be appointed by the senate president, who shall serve as co-chair; 1 person who shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate; 1 person who shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall serve as co-chair; 1 person who shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives; 1 person who shall be appointed by the secretary of education; 1 person who shall be appointed by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education and 8 persons who shall be appointed by the governor, all of whom shall have experience working with a regional school district, 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools, Inc., 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials, Inc., 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, 1 of whom shall be a high school student attending a school in a regional school district and 1 of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, Inc. Members shall not receive compensation for their services but may receive reimbursement for the reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out their responsibilities as members of the commission. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education may furnish reasonable staff and other support for the work of the commission.
Before issuing its recommendations, the commission shall conduct not less than 4 public hearings across regions of the commonwealth. It shall not constitute a violation of chapter 268A for a person employed by a school district to serve on the commission or to participate in commission deliberations that may have a financial impact on the district employing that person or on the rate at which that person may be compensated. The commission may establish procedures to ensure that no such person shall participate in commission deliberations that may directly affect the school districts employing those persons or that may directly affect the rate at which those persons are compensated.
The commission shall file its report, together with drafts of its recommended legislation, with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the senate and house chairs of the joint committee on education and the chairs of the senate and house committees on ways and means not later than December 31, 2018.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-155
EDU 155
Recreation Worcester
Ms. Chandler and Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by adding the following:- “provided, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for the Recreation Worcester program” and in said item, by striking out the figure “$2,425,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,625,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-156
EDU 156
Millis School Mitigation
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for mitigation costs in the Millis public school district;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,519,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-157
EDU 157
Summer Learning Grants
Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Moore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting the following new item:-
7061-xxxx: For the implementation of a competitive grant program to support the development and expansion of high quality, comprehensive summer learning opportunities for students in districts with high concentration of low income students; provided, that the department of elementary and secondary education shall develop the criteria for grants; provided further, that grants shall be awarded to programs that: (i) include at least 150 hours of programming with a focus on academic and college and career readiness skills, including critical thinking, collaboration and perseverance; (ii) are research-based summer programs; and (iii) engage a variety of organizations and leverage cost-sharing partnership with local districts, private funders, and nonprofit institutions....$500,000.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-158
EDU 158
Aspire Teacher Support Program
Ms. Creem moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for the Aspire Teacher Support Program, which shall expend funds for programs that utilize retired teachers to mentor novice public school elementary and secondary education teachers” and in said item by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,519,863”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-159
EDU 159
Homeless Student Transportation Commission
Ms. Lovely and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section __, the following new section: -
Section __
Section 1. Section 190 of Chapter 133 of the Acts of 2016 is hereby amended by inserting, after the second sentence, the following sentence: - The commission shall be chaired by the secretary of education, or a designee.
Section 2. Said section 190 is hereby further amended by striking out, in the final sentence, the words "July 1, 2017" and instering in place thereof the following words: - "December 31, 2018"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-160
EDU 160
Parent Child Home Program
Ms. Creem, Messrs. Moore, Brownsberger and McGee, Ms. Flanagan, Mr. Hinds and Ms. Lovely moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-7050, by inserting after the words “referral centers” the following language: “; provided further, that not less than $500,000 more than fiscal year 2017 shall be expended on said parent-child home program” and further amending said line-item by striking out the figures "$13,442,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures "$13,942,000
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-161
EDU 161
Steps to Success
Ms. Creem moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by inserting after the words “dropout prevention” the following:- “; provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended for the Steps to Success program in the town of Brookline”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$2,425,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,445,000”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-162
EDU 162
Veteran Educational Services Center at Bristol Community College
Mr. Rodrigues moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7503-0100, the following:- provided, that not less than $100,000 shall be made available for the operation of the Veteran Educational Services Center located at Bristol Community College."; and in said item by striking out the figures “$21,243,832” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$21,343,832.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-163-R1
Redraft EDU 163
Municipal Reimbursement for Charter Tuition
Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Lewis, Eldridge, Brownsberger, O'Connor and Tarr, Ms. Lovely, Messrs. Lesser, McGee and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9010, by striking the figure “80,500,000” and inserting in place thereof the following:- $83,500,000.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-164-R1
Redraft EDU 164
Updating Jackson Elementary School’s Playground
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to the town of Plainville to update the playground at the Jackson Elementary School;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,394,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-165-R1
Redraft EDU 165
Above Foundation Spending Percentage
Messrs. Moore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting, after section ____, the following 5 sections:-
SECTION ____. Subsection (a) of section 89 of chapter 71 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby further amended by inserting after the definition of “district” the following definition:-
“Local approval”, an affirmative action accepting a commonwealth charter school taken by a majority vote of a locally elected school committee for each school district from which a commonwealth charter school is expected to enroll students, or, in school districts in which the school committee is an appointed body, an affirmative action accepting a commonwealth charter school which shall be approved by the city council and school committee’s appointing authority.”;
SECTION _____. Paragraph (1) of subsection (i) of section 89 of said chapter 71, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out the last paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following 3 paragraphs:-
Applications to establish a commonwealth charter school shall be submitted to the board annually by November 15. The board shall review the applications and grant new commonwealth charters in February of the following year. Applications to establish a Horace Mann charter school may be submitted to the board and granted by the board at any time.
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, every commonwealth charter school application shall be subject to the local approval of every school district expected to enroll students. Approval of a commonwealth charter school application that has not received local approval shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the board. If the board approves an application it shall notify the school districts that expect to enroll students of the approval.
Approval of an application by the board without local approval shall be funded by the commonwealth; provided, however, that in a school district in which a commonwealth charter school application is approved by the board without local approval, the school district shall not be eligible for district impact mitigation funding under subsection (gg) for the approved commonwealth charter school and the total number of students enrolled in the approved commonwealth charter school shall not be included in the school district’s foundation budget as calculated under chapter 70.”;
SECTION ____. The first paragraph of subsection (ff) of section 89 of said chapter 71, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “district” in the last line the following words:-
"; however, in calculating a district’s actual net school spending for the purposes of the above foundation spending percentage, a district’s net school spending shall deduct a district’s charter school tuition reimbursement as if fully funded."
SECTION _____. The third paragraph of subsection (ff) of section 89 of said chapter 71, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the number “70” the following words:-
"; however , in calculating a district’s actual net school spending for the purposes of the above foundation spending percentage, a district’s net school spending shall deduct a district’s charter school tuition reimbursement as if fully funded.
SECTION _____. The last 2 paragraphs of paragraph (1) of subsection (i) of section 89 of said chapter 71, as so appearing, shall apply to commonwealth charter schools approved after January 1, 2018 that do not have students currently enrolled.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-166
EDU 166
Bottom Line
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for Bottom Line to provide college transition and college retention services for low-income or aspiring first-generation college students”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$2,600,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “$2,750,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-167
EDU 167
Central Mass Skilled Worker Partnership
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7512-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended to establish a Central Massachusetts pilot partnership between Quinsigamond Community College and technical schools.”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$21,272,584” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “$21,472,584”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-168
EDU 168
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7077-0023, by striking out the figure "$4,000,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$5,000,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-169
EDU 169
Dual Enrollment
Messrs. Moore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7066-0019, by striking out the figure “$1,200,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$2,000,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-170
EDU 170
Early College
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7066-0000, by adding at the end thereof the following: ""provided further, that $1,000,000 shall be expended for planning and development grants for partnerships among public institutions of higher education and public secondary institutions designated as Massachusetts Early College Schools by the early college joint committee; provided further, that the funds distributed shall be contingent upon a match of not less than $1 in private or corporate contributions for every $1 in state funding."; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$4,354,762” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “$4,454,762”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-171-R1
Redraft EDU 171
Early Education and Care Workforce Study
Mr. Moore, Ms. Gobi and Mr. Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1020, <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for a comprehensive statewide study, conducted by the University of Massachusetts at Boston, relative to the early education and care workforce in the commonwealth”; and
in said item 3000-1020, by striking out the figure “$31,762,455” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$31,862,455”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-172
EDU 172
Early Education Salary Rate Reserve
Mr. Moore, Ms. Flanagan, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Keenan, McGee, Timilty, Hinds, O'Connor, Lesser and Montigny moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-1042, by striking out the figures "$10,000,000 ” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “$20,000,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-173
EDU 173
Higher Education Collaboration and Efficiency
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 7518-0100 the following item: -
“7518-0120 For state university and community college efficiency efforts through the PACE initiative…..$200,000.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-174
EDU 174
Education Reimbursement
Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9010, by inserting the following section:
“ for any city hosting a charter school that opened in the 2016-2017 school year in a temporary location outside said city, the increased tuition in said school year shall be treated as a first-year increase for purposes of the reimbursement.''
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-177
EDU 177
MASSGrant Save Pilot Program
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 0610-0010, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided, not more than $1,000,000 shall be transferred from 7070-0065 to the Economic Empowerment Trust Fund established in section 35QQ of chapter 10 of the General Laws to establish the MASSGrant Save pilot program through a public-private partnership to assist students eligible for MassGrant to establish college savings accounts; provided further, that the aggregate of all matching amounts for any individual or family shall not exceed $400; provided further, any unexpended balance shall revert to 7070-0065 no later June 30, 2019."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-178
EDU 178
Nursing and Allied Health Initiative
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7066-0020, by striking out the figures "$200,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- "$400,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-179
EDU 179
UMass Marine Research Facilities
Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7100-0200, by inserting the following:-
"provided, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for improvements and renovations to marine facilities owned and operated by the University of Massachusetts to facilitate fisheries and environmental research"
and further moves to amend said item by striking the figure “534,472,688” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “534,722,688”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-181
EDU 181
State Scholarship Program
Messrs. Moore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7070-0065, by striking out the figure "$96,600,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “100,000,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-182
EDU 182
UMass Manufacturing Program
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item the following item:
“7100-0901 For the Innovation Voucher Program Fund established in section 45C of chapter 75 of the General Laws..........................................................................$2,000,000”
and by inserting, after section ____ , the following new section:-
“SECTION ____ . Chapter 75 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 45B the following section:-
Section 45C. (a) There shall be established and set up on the books of the commonwealth an Innovation Voucher Program Fund into which shall be credited any appropriations designated by the general court to be credited to the fund and any monies generated for the fund through corporations or nonprofit entities. The fund shall be administered by the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency established in chapter 23G, hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”, which shall make expenditures from the fund without further appropriation to provide for an investment through a voucher program to small corporations and startup companies for cost sharing use of core facilities at the University of Massachusetts to be administered by the Agency. The Agency shall issue regulations to establish guidelines and eligibility criteria for participating companies. Vouchers shall provide the cost of hourly or daily use or per unit rate of the core facilities. The vouchers shall be used to advance the goals of job growth creation, innovation and economic development which may include, but shall not be limited to: the construction of prototypes, testing, and market research. The Agency’s regulations shall include eligibility requirements for participating companies; provided, however, that: (1) eligible companies with the full time equivalent of 10 employees or less may receive a voucher that covers up to 75 per cent of the cost of the rate; (2) eligible companies with the full time equivalent of 11 to 50 employees may receive a voucher for up to 50 per cent of the cost of the rate, and; (3) companies with 51 or more employees shall not be eligible for the voucher program. Vouchers shall not exceed more than 75 per cent of the total cost of the hourly or daily use, or per unit rate, of core facilities and shall not exceed $75,000 per year for each individual company. The regulations shall lay out a process by which the University of Massachusetts campuses shall seek quarterly reimbursements from the Agency for the vouchers. For the purposes of this section “core facilities” shall be research based hardware and software that are available at a daily or hourly rate or per unit rate for use by partners of the University of Massachusetts.
(b) The Agency shall annually file an annual report with the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on higher education and with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate detailing the vouchers awarded under this section not later than March 1."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-183
EDU 183
Tuition Retention Task Force
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting, after section ____, the following new section:-
"SECTION ____. There shall be a task force to study the feasibility of implementing tuition retention for state universities and community colleges and the steps necessary, including statutory changes, to make implementation possible. The task force shall be chaired by the commissioner of higher education, and include the following members: the secretary of education, or a designee; two presidents from each segment, or their designees; the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on higher education or their designees; and one representative from the executive office for administration and finance. Not later than October 15, 2017, the task force shall study and report to the secretary of administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means on the following matters: (a) the costs and benefits associated with implementing tuition retention in a manner that is transparent, consumer friendly, and consistent across the public higher education system, including the University of Massachusetts; (b) the implications of authorizing state universities and community colleges to set their own tuition rates, within parameters established under multi-year strategic plans approved by the board of higher education and the secretary of education; (c) the practices used across the campuses in determining the amount of tuition that is currently remitted to the Commonwealth, including how campuses and the board of higher education define "state supported" versus "non state-supported" for purposes of establishing remittance amounts and other fiscal reporting and apportionment matters; (d) potential methodologies for establishing a revenue neutral implementation plan, including the mitigation of revenue variability due to fluctuations in enrollments; (e) the possibility of phasing in tuition retention over several years or implementing it on separate timelines for the state university and community college segments; and (f) any Commonwealth financial obligations, such as fringe costs, that may be affected by the implementation of tuition retention."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-184
EDU 184
State Reciprocity Agreements
Messrs. Moore, deMacedo, Pacheco and Brownsberger, Ms. Flanagan, Ms. O'Connor Ives and Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after section ____ the following 2 sections:-
"SECTION ___. Section 9 of Chapter 15A of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph:-
Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or specific law to the contrary, the board of higher education shall have the authority to enter into interstate reciprocity agreements that authorize any accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education located in Massachusetts to voluntarily participate in such reciprocity agreements and to provide distance education programs to students in other states in accordance with the provisions of such agreements. The authority granted by this paragraph applies only to distance learning programs and does not affect other approvals of institutions of higher education or programs required under Massachusetts law, nor does it affect any exemptions for institutions of higher education or programs. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit accredited, degree-granting institutions of higher education located in Massachusetts that have been authorized to grant degrees by the board of higher education but do not participate in any such interstate reciprocity agreement from offering postsecondary distance education programs in other states if duly authorized to do so by such other states. Provided further, and for purposes of online distance education programs only, that an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education chartered, incorporated, or organized in another state that is a party to the interstate reciprocity agreement entered into by the board shall be deemed to have been authorized by the board of higher education to conduct within the commonwealth courses leading to the award of a degree consistent with Section 31A of Chapter 69 as long as said institution of higher education is approved to participate in and meets all of the requirements of said interstate reciprocity agreement. Provided further, that nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of the Attorney General to enforce statutes or promulgate and enforce regulations prohibiting consumer fraud and unfair or deceptive business practices, including but not limited to Chapter 93A, and to enforce the federal Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, as authorized by 12 U.S.C. 5552. Before the board of higher education enters into any interstate reciprocity agreement, the Department of Higher Education and the Attorney General shall execute any memoranda of understanding deemed necessary to coordinate the enforcement of relevant requirements, statutes, and regulations, including those related to consumer fraud and unfair or deceptive business practices."
SECTION ___. Section 31A of Chapter 69 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby stricken and replaced with the following:
No educational institution chartered, located, offering courses, or otherwise doing business within the commonwealth, shall award degrees within the commonwealth unless authorized or approved to do so by the commonwealth.
Nor shall any educational institution chartered, incorporated or organized in another state conduct within the commonwealth any courses available to residents of the commonwealth leading to the award of a degree, unless such educational institution has received the authorization of the commonwealth for such courses; provided further that said authorization may be granted by the board of higher education through the board of higher education’s participation in interstate reciprocity agreements as provided for in Section 9 of Chapter 15A. The board of higher education shall be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this section."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-185
EDU 185
School and Student Assessment
Mr. Rodrigues moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9400, by striking the figures "$27,094,275" and inserting in place thereof "$31,094,275"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-186-R1
Redraft EDU 186
Opiate Addiction Education in Wrentham
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to Wrentham Public Schools to advance education and awareness of opiate addiction and support in the community;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,394,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-187
EDU 187
Childcare Resource and Referral Programs
Mr. Keenan, Ms. L'Italien, Mr. Moore, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Brady, O'Connor, Cyr, Montigny and Lewis moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-2000, by striking out the figure "$6,675,311" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$7,675,311".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-188
EDU 188
School and Teacher Leadership Development
Messrs. deMacedo, Humason and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9408, by inserting at the end the following:
“; provided further, that up to $2M in grants may be expended to support matching grants to level 3, 4, and 5 districts for school leadership practice-based cohort training programs that include on-site individualized coaching and may also be expended for matching grants to support practice-based training for cohorts of new teachers in urban schools, with priority for organizations with a proven record of training effective new teachers working in urban schools; provided further, the item shall also be amended by striking the figures- "$7,457,168" and inserting in place thereof the figures- "$9,457,168””
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-189
EDU 189
Educational Unfunded Mandate Task Force
Messrs. Tarr, Hinds, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__, the following new section:-
"SECTION __. There shall be an educational mandate task force to review existing state mandates placed on public schools and districts in the Commonwealth. The task force shall consist of 11 members: the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on education, or their designees, who shall serve as the co-chairs of the task force; a member of the general court appointed by the senate minority leader; a member of the general court appointed by the house minority leader; the commissioner of elementary and secondary education, or a designee; and 6 persons to be appointed by the secretary of education, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Secondary School Administrators’ Association, 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Elementary School Principals’ Association, and 1 of whom shall be selected from a list of 3 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Administrators of Special Education.
The task force shall: (i) identify and review the state laws, regulations, and administrative directives that prescribe requirements for school districts, including those that require school districts to prepare and submit reports and data to the department of elementary and secondary education (ii) develop recommendations to streamline, consolidate, or eliminate such mandates or reporting requirements that are not fully funded and (iii) determine the total estimated cost of said unfunded mandates on municipalities to consider those figures in the annual fiscal year budget.
The first meeting of the task force shall take place within 60 days of the effective date of this act. The task force shall file a report containing its findings and recommendations, including legislative recommendations, if any, with the clerks of the house and senate not later than 12 months following the first meeting of the task force. Prior to issuing its recommendations, the task force shall conduct at least one public hearing to receive testimony from members of the public."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-190
EDU 190
Cohasset and Hull School Resource Officers
Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, in line 2, by adding after the word "education" the following:-
“provided further, that the department shall allocate not less than $100,000 to the Cohasset Public Schools for a school resource officer; not less than $153,132 to the Hull Public Schools for a school resource officer”; and in said item by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,622,995”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-191-R1
Redraft EDU 191
Medical School-Baystate Health Partnership
Messrs. Welch, Lesser and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4000-0700, by adding the following words: “; provided further, that not less than $1,000,000 shall be expended in a one-time payment to a western Massachusetts regional academic health system to address regional physician shortages and enhance access to rural and urban preventive care by recruiting, training and retaining residents of the commonwealth into careers in medicine and to conduct projects on population and community health through collaboration with a medical school in the commonwealth”; and
in said section 2, in said item 4000-0700, by striking out the figure “2,638,047,224” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “2,639,047,224”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-192
EDU 192
Hingham High School Security
Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, in line 2 by adding after the word "education" the following:-
“provided further, that the department shall allocate not less than $121,500 to the Hingham Public Schools to fund new security features and practical training exercises for school staff, as well as to exercise new strategies and to incorporate a new emergency response plan for the town of Hingham”; and in said item by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,491,363”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-193-R1
Redraft EDU 193
At-Risk Students
Messrs. Welch and Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by inserting the following:- "provided, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for Springfield Public Schools to continue proven, data-supported programming to address the needs of at-risk middle and high school students through mentoring, truancy prevention, and other interventions".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-194-R1
Redraft EDU 194
Quality Enhancements in Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) Grants
Messrs. McGee, Brownsberger and Moore, Ms. Lovely and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, <w:p><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be used for a new grant to increase access to quality afterschool or summer learning programs for school-age children and youth; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the operation of a pilot data-sharing program designed to provide school districts with funds to partner with local community-based organizations and share identifiable student data to the extent allowed by law; provided further, that the pilot program shall be for not more than 3 years; provided further, that the afterschool and out-of-school time coordinating council shall recommend funds to 2 school districts for the pilot program; provided further, that the afterschool and out-of-school time coordinating council shall conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis on the pilot data sharing program; provided further, that the Massachusetts afterschool and out-of-school time coordinating council shall file a report on the effects of the pilot program on students participating in the programs partnered with the school districts with the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives and the chairs of the senate and house committees on ways and means not later than December 31, 2018”; and
in said section 2, in said item 7061-9611, by striking out the figure “$2,425,000”and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$3,075,000”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-195-R1
Redraft EDU 195
Blackstone Valley Manufacturing Pilot
Messrs. Moore and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided further, that $35,000 shall be expended for the continued operation of a pilot program at the Blackstone Valley Education Foundation to provide collaboration between public school districts and area manufacturers, including identifying prospective students, offering on-site training sessions, and creating a technical skills-oriented curriculum at participating schools”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$2,600,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- "$2,635,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-196
EDU 196
Center School Lot in Wrentham
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the town of Wrentham to conduct a study and design for improvements to the Center School Lot;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,419,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-198
EDU 198
Higher Education Opportunities for Students with Disabilities II
Ms. L'Italien, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Eldridge, Moore and Ross, Ms. Flanagan, Messrs. Welch, McGee and Barrett, Ms. Lovely and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7009-9600, by striking the figure "$1,143,979" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$2,000,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-199
EDU 199
Improving Literacy Programs
Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0033, by inserting, after the words "early literacy grant program" the following words:- ", including but not limited to literacy programs that meet the needs of children with deficits that indicate likely third grade reading failure, including those at risk for dyslexia, with a deficit in phonemic awareness, naming speed and letter sound knowledge, favoring programs that meet the federal statute for the essential components of reading instruction (ECORI). 20 U.S.C. § 6368(3).(5)"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-200-R1
Redraft EDU 200
Washington Center
Messrs. Pacheco and Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7070-0065, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $254,000 shall be made available to provide financial assistance for residents of the commonwealth enrolled at public higher education institutions to participate in the Massachusetts initiative with The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars ”.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-201
EDU 201
Innovation Schools
Ms. O'Connor Ives and Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9011, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for the Pentucket Regional School District"; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$300,000" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$315,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-202-R1
Redraft EDU 202
Tuition and Fee Waiver for Children of Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
Messrs. Fattman, Humason, O'Connor and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section 9, the following 2 sections:-
“SECTION 9A. Section 16 of chapter 15A of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the ninth paragraph, as amended by section 5 of chapter 283 of the acts of 2016, and inserting in place thereof the following 4 paragraphs:-
There shall be, subject to appropriation, a public service scholarship program which shall provide scholarships to children or spouses of certain veterans and public employees for tuition at public or independent institutions of higher education in the commonwealth to pursue undergraduate studies. An individual shall be eligible for the scholarship program if that individual is: (i) a child or spouse of a deceased public employee who, while in the performance of the public employee’s duties, including authorized training duty, and as a result of incident, accident or violence, was killed or sustained injuries that were the direct and proximate cause of the employee’s death; (ii) a child of a prisoner of war or of a military or service person missing in action; or (iii) a child of a veteran whose service was credited to the commonwealth and who was killed in action or otherwise died as a result of that service. For the purposes of this section, “deceased public employee” shall mean a public employee working for a state or county government, a public institution of higher education in the commonwealth or a municipality, public school department or public school district or public authority who, while in the performance of the public employee’s duties and as a result of incident, accident or violence, was killed or sustained injuries that were the direct and proximate cause of the public employee’s death.
Upon admittance for undergraduate study at a public institution of higher education under this section, an eligible child or spouse shall be entitled to a full public service scholarship for student charges due for tuition, mandatory fees and room and board for on-campus housing during the period of attendance, subject to any restrictions included in the guidelines governing the program as established by the board; provided, however, that the child or spouse shall complete and submit a free application for federal student aid and shall accept any federal grant that the child or spouse is awarded as a result of the child’s or spouse’s completion and submission of the application. A full scholarship awarded under this section shall be reduced by the amount of federal grants awarded to the child or spouse.
A full public service scholarship shall only be authorized during the period in which the eligible child or spouse is enrolled as a full-time student at a qualifying public institution of higher education. No child or spouse who is otherwise eligible shall receive a full scholarship through the program if: (i) the child or spouse has previously been awarded a degree from a public or private college, university or other institution of higher education; (ii) the child fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress during the child’s or spouse’s attendance at a qualifying public institution of higher education after receiving the scholarship; or (iii) the deceased parent or spouse was not a resident of the commonwealth at the time of entry or continuance into active and full-time military service or service as a public employee.
The board shall establish general guidelines and regulations for the application, award and administration of full scholarships at qualifying public institutions of higher education established under this section. The board shall determine the value of the scholarships.
SECTION 9B. Section 19½ of said chapter 15A is hereby repealed.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-205
EDU 205
Safety Patrol
Mr. Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- "provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for classroom safety and security upgrades at the Woodland, Powder Mill and High Schools in the Town of Southwick"; and in said item by striking out the figures "$12,369,863" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$12,419,863"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-207
EDU 207
Foundation Budget Review Commission Funding by Consolidated Net Surplus
Messrs. Tarr, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section ___, the following new section:-
“SECTION __.Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, prior to transferring the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds to the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund under section 5C of chapter 29 of the General Laws, the comptroller shall dispose of the consolidated net surplus in the budgetary funds as follows: (1) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000, to the Massachusetts Community Preservation Trust Fund established in section 9 of chapter 44B of the General Laws; (ii) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000, to the Massachusetts Life Sciences Investment Fund established in section 6 of the chapter 23I of the General Laws; and (iii) transfer 1/3 of the surplus, not to exceed $10,000,000 to the implementation of the of the recommendations of the foundation budget review commission as established by section 4 of chapter 70 and in accordance with the implementation schedule established under SECTION 19 of this act
The department of elementary and secondary education shall establish and monitor measurable benchmarks for progress and accomplishment, and shall report annually to the clerks of the house and senate, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on education, and the secretary of education not later than December 31 of each year on the impacts of fund spending.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-208
EDU 208
North Andover Kindergarten
Ms. O'Connor Ives and Mr. Tarr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that not less than $25,000 be expended to the North Andover School District toward sustaining full day kindergarten"; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$12,369,863" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$12,394,863"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-209-R1
Redraft EDU 209
H. Olive Day School in Norfolk
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for repairs and replacement of the roof of the H. Olive Day Elementary School in the town of Norfolk;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,469,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-210-R2
2nd Redraft EDU 210
Essential Childcare and Family Services Provider
Messrs. Welch and Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 3000-3060, by inserting the following:- "provided, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for Square One Daycare, Inc. in the city of Springfield"; and, in said item 3000-3060 by striking out the figure "$223,198,540" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$223,298,540".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-211-R1
Redraft EDU 211
Children's Access to Arts and Culture
Mr. Montigny moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for a 1-time grant program to be administered by the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts, in collaboration with a youth development committee consisting of Dennison Memorial Community Center, Boys and Girls Club of Greater New Bedford, Youth Opportunities Unlimited, People Acting in Community Endeavors, Inc., New Bedford Community Economic Development Center, and the Women’s Center in New Bedford, to provide access to youth development and arts and cultural programming for financially disadvantaged youth in the city of New Bedford, with possible applicants to include nonprofit organizations in the city of New Bedford whose mission is to promote youth literacy, development, and access to arts and cultural opportunities; provided further, that no funding shall be used for administrative or personnel costs; provided further, that not less than $80,000 shall be expended for the Dennison Memorial Community Center in the city of New Bedford for the purposes of educational programs to benefit financially disadvantaged children in New Bedford; provided further, that not less than $60,000 shall be expended for Community Boating Center, Inc. of New Bedford for programming for financially disadvantaged children in New Bedford”; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$2,425,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,765,000
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-212-R1
Redraft EDU 212
College Affordability Study
Messrs. Fattman, Cyr, Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following section:-
“SECTION __. There shall be a special commission to investigate the issue of college affordability. The commission shall examine and make recommendations on the contributing factors to rising tuition and fee costs at institutes of higher education in the commonwealth. For the purposes of this section, the term “institutes of higher education” shall include public and private institutes of higher education.
The commission’s investigation shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas: (i) employee expenditures including, but not limited to, employee issued credit cards and expense accounts; (ii) vacation and sick time policies for administrative employees; (iii) salaries, bonuses and stipends for administrative employees and professors including, but not limited to, tenured and non-tenured, associate and part-time professors and instructors who are members of collective bargaining units and who are considering joining collective bargaining units; (iv) professor class load; (v) the number of administrative positions at institutes of higher education and their descriptions; (vi) the cost and benefit of construction projects on campuses of institutes of higher education; (vii) endowments and annual profits of institutes of higher education; (viii) mandatory fees charged to students beyond the price of tuition charges, including technology and laboratory fees; (ix) the affordability of college textbooks including, but not limited to, the costs and benefits of open source textbooks; (x) ways for an institute of higher education to directly credit a student’s account with funds to pay for books and supplies in accordance with 34 C.F.R. 668.164(c)(2); and (xi) the cost differences and composition of online credit hours versus on-campus credit hour.
The commission shall consist of the following members: 1 member of the senate; 1 member of the senate who shall be appointed by the senate minority leader; 1 member of the house of representatives; 1 member of the house of representatives who shall be appointed by the minority leader; a representative of the University of Massachusetts office of the president; a representative of the University of Massachusetts director of libraries; 2 members of the student advisory council to the board of education; a representative from the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority; a representative from department of higher education; a member of the board of higher education; a representative of the Massachusetts State College Association, Inc.; a representative of the Massachusetts Community Colleges Executive Office; a representative of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation; a representative of the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; a representative of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, Inc.; and 5 members who shall be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall have expertise in finance and investment, 1 of whom shall be an expert in student loan debt and 3 of whom shall be parents or guardians of students currently enrolled in institutes of higher education. The chair of the commission shall be elected by a majority vote of the members.
The commission shall hold its first meeting not later than September 1, 2017 and file a report of its findings and recommendations with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives and the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on higher education by March 1, 2018.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-213
EDU 213
Charter School Reimbursements
Messrs. O'Connor, Humason, Moore, Tarr and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9011, by striking the figures "80,500,000" and replacing them with the following:- "156,900,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-214-R1
Redraft EDU 214
School Resource Officer in North Attleboro
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended to establish a school resource officer position for North Attleboro Public Schools;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,444,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-216
EDU 216
Youth & Family Enrichment Services
Ms. Forry moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by adding the following: “provided further, that no less than $50,000 shall be expended for YoFES, Youth & Family Enrichment Services of Hyde Park, to provide after-school academic enrichment for area youth;” and in said item by striking out the figures “$2,425,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,475,000.”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-217
EDU 217
Massachusetts Oceanographic Research Sea Time Program
Messrs. Cyr and deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended SECTION XX. Chapter 29 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 2VVVV, as inserted by section 41 of chapter 133 of the acts of 2016, the following section:-
Section 2WWWW. There is hereby established a fund to be known as the Oceanographic Research Grant Program Fund, which shall be administered jointly by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. The fund shall consist of all monies received from public or private sources, and all monies appropriated or transferred to the fund. Monies in the fund shall be distributed, without further appropriation, in the form of grants to eligible researchers or research institutions applying for said grants, for the purpose of chartering vessels in the US academic fleet to conduct oceanographic research. Monies deposited into the fund that are unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund and shall be available for expenditure in subsequent fiscal years.
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-218-R1
Redraft EDU 218
Triangle school to career program
Messrs. Lewis and Rush, Ms. Lovely, Messrs. Timilty, Boncore, McGee and Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7027-0019, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for Triangle, Inc.’s School to Career Program that connects special education students with disabilities in Greater Boston to careers and their local communities;” and in said line item, by striking out the figure “2,600,000” and inserting in its place the figure:- "$2,700,000"
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-219
EDU 219
Child and Youth Readiness Cabinet
Messrs. DiDomenico, Cyr, Eldridge and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting, after section ___, the following new section:-
"SECTION X. Chapter 6 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-
SECTION 219. There shall be a child and youth readiness cabinet to foster and coordinate efforts to enhance the level of cooperation and collaboration across the departments and agencies that serve the commonwealth's children, youth and families. The cabinet shall work to provide strategic direction for interagency policy planning, development and implementation, thereby working to advance the health, well-being and education of the commonwealth's children and youth and prepare them to be successful and contributing citizens.
The cabinet shall: (i) establish a shared vision for how best to establish a network of state services and supports for children, youth and families; (ii) identify priority areas for collaborative state action; (iii) establish baseline goals and benchmarks for assessing the extent to which agencies successfully strengthen their cooperation and collaboration in providing services to children, youth and families; (iv) direct the development and monitor the progress of targeted interagency projects determined by the cabinet; and (v) address such other topics and initiatives relating to children and youth readiness.
The cabinet shall consist of the following members or their designees: the secretary of education who shall serve as a co-chair; the secretary of health and human services, who shall serve as a co-chair; the secretary of administration and finance; the secretary of housing and economic development; the secretary of labor and workforce development; the secretary of public safety and security; the secretary of transportation; the secretary of energy and environmental affairs, the child advocate; the commissioner of early education and care; the commissioner of elementary and secondary education; and the commissioner of higher education. The governor may designate additional members.
The cabinet shall be managed by a director, who shall be jointly appointed by the co-chairs and shall report to them. The director shall be responsible for coordinating meetings of the cabinet and for managing the work of the cabinet.
Members of the cabinet shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. The cabinet shall meet at such times and places as determined by the co-chairs; provided, however that the cabinet shall meet no less than 4 times annually.
The cabinet may establish ongoing or ad hoc committees, task forces or interagency working groups. The cabinet may request that agencies and departments within the executive branch facilitate and implement the cabinet's policy agenda and objectives. Agencies and departments shall cooperate with the cabinet and provide assistance, information and advice to the cabinet.
The cabinet shall provide an annual report of its activities, not later than March 1, to the clerks of the senate and house of representatives, the chairs of the joint committee on education, the chairs of the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities and the chairs of the senate and house committees on ways and means."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-220
EDU 220
Vogel School in Wrentham
Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0005, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Wrentham for repairs and renovations to the Vogel School;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$12,369,863” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$12,419,863”
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-221
EDU 221
Homework House
Mr. Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7061-9611, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- "provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be appropriated to Homework House of Holyoke"; and further in said item by striking the figures "$2,425,000" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$2,455,000".
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-222
EDU 222
Early child hood mental health consultation
Ms. Flanagan, Messrs. Moore, O'Connor and Eldridge moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 3000-5000 the following item: "3000-6075 For early child hood mental health consultation (ECMHC) services in early education and care programs in the commonwealth; provided, that preference shall be given to those services designed to limit the number of expulsions and suspensions from the programs; and provided further, that eligible recipients for such grants shall include municipal school districts, regional school districts, educational collaboratives, head start programs, licensed childcare providers, child care resource and referral centers and other qualified entities......$2,500,000."
Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-224
EDU 224
Foundation Budget Review Commission
Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__, the following new section:-
"Section__. Section 64 of chapter 194 of the acts of 20111 is amended by inserting the following new text after the words appropriation act :-
; provided further, that the remainder of such funds shall be utilized to fund the recommendation of the foundation budget review commission report of 2015, and any such subsequent report.”