Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-464
EHS 464
Funding for Disproportionate Share Hospitals
Messrs. Welch, Humason, Montigny and Lewis, Ms. Flanagan, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Lesser and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4000-0700, by inserting the following: “provided further, that MassHealth shall expend not less than an additional $24,000,000 in the aggregate for acute care hospitals that have greater than 63 percent of their gross patient service revenue from governmental payers and free care as determined by the executive office of health and human services and that $6,000,000 of said $24,000,000 be expended for inpatient and outpatient behavioral and mental health services provided by disproportionate share hospitals subject to all required federal approvals and the availability of federal financial participation and shall be prioritized for services provided to children and adolescents.”