Budget Amendment ID: FY2018-S3-73-R1
Redraft LOC 73
Public School Reimbursement
Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 7061-0011 the following item:
"xxxx-xxxx For a reserve to provide transitional relief to the Brockton public school district whose fiscal year 2018 chapter 70 aid and tuition revenue are significantly and negatively impacted by the change in low income enrollment measurement ..................$1,500,000”
and in Section 3, in the third paragraph, strike the second-to-last sentence, and replace with the following:
“Growth aid” shall be the positive change, if any, between the district’s FY18 and FY17 foundation budgets multiplied by the target aid share multiplied by 0.5, minus the foundation aid increment. The "minimum aid increment" shall be equal to $30 multiplied by the district's foundation enrollment minus the foundation aid increment minus growth aid.
and in Section 3 strike the fourth paragraph, and replace with the following:
Chapter 70 aid for fiscal year 2018 shall be the sum of prior year aid plus the foundation aid increment, if any, plus growth aid, if any, plus the minimum aid increment, if any. No non-operating district shall receive chapter 70 aid in an amount greater than the district's foundation budget. Transitional relief, if any, shall be added to the chapter 70 distribution of this section and shall not be added to base aid for the calculation of chapter 70 aid for fiscal year 2019.