Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-186

EDU 186

Water Bottle Filling Stations in Public Schools

Messrs. Eldridge, Barrett, Timilty and O'Connor, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. Feeney moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7010-0033, by inserting after item 7010-0033 the following item:-

“7010-0035 For the safe drinking water for healthy students grant program established in section 237 of chapter 111………………………………………………………. $2,000,000”;

and by adding the following:-

SECTION XX. Section 94 of chapter 143 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following:-

(t) to develop requirements and promulgate regulations for bottle filling stations in public buildings; provided that the regulations shall include separate requirements for bottle filling stations in public schools.

SECTION XX. Chapter 111 of the General Laws is hereby amended by interesting the following section:-

Section 237: Safe drinking water for healthy students grant program

(a) There is hereby established a safe drinking water for healthy students grant program. The program shall be administered by the department in consultation with the department of early and secondary education. The program shall be used to discourage the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages by increasing access to free potable drinking water for students in public elementary and secondary schools. Grants shall be used to finance all or part of the costs of purchasing and installing water bottle filling station equipment in a school building, playground, or athletic field.

(b) The department shall, in consultation with the department of early and secondary education, develop criteria for providing funding and outcomes for specific projects. The criteria must include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) the maximum amount of the appropriation that any school district may receive;

(2) the minimum amount that any school is awarded shall be not less than $500;

(3) any district or school may apply for grants to fund bottle filling stations that will be installed in a school building, playground on a school property, or athletic field on a school property;

(4) any school that applies for a grant shall test for lead and copper in the school’s drinking water, or provide proof of such testing conducted up to 5 years before the application for a grant; provided that any school with elevated levels of lead or copper detected within 5 years of the grant application shall install a bottle filling station with a filtration system;

(5) applicants shall receive funds in the following order:

(i) Applicants with a high percentage of students who are eligible and enrolled in the free and reduced-price meals program and with elevated levels of lead or copper in the school’s drinking water;

(ii) Applicants with a high percentage of students who are eligible and enrolled in the free and reduced-price meals program and without elevated levels of lead or copper in the school’s drinking water;

(iii) Applicants with elevated levels of lead or copper in the school’s drinking water who do not have a high percentage of students who are eligible and enrolled in the free and reduced-price meals program;

(iv) All other applicants.

(6) any district receiving funding provided in this section shall demonstrate a consistent commitment to addressing school facilities' needs.

SECTION XX. Section 223 of chapter 111 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the words, in line 73, “at no cost to the students;” the following:-

provided that the water may come from a public source and be made available for consumption via a bottle filling station;