Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-24

OTH 24

Ensuring Accountability and Due Process at the Department of State Police

Messrs. Feeney, Moore and Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended at the end thereof:-


SECTION __. Section 7(d) of chapter 150E of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after subsection (q), the following new subsection:-


“(r) sections one through thirty-one, inclusive, of chapter twenty-two C; provided, however, that any provision of the collective bargaining agreement entered into pursuant to chapter 150E by the Commonwealth and the employee organization representing the bargaining unit of the non-commissioned officers of the department of state police which conflicts with any provision of chapter twenty-two C can be suspended in the event of and only for the duration of an emergency which requires such suspension. For purposes of the subsection, an emergency is defined as a condition in which the safety of the public is in imminent danger, such as a threat to life or health or where immediate law enforcement intervention is required to maintain or restore such public safety.”