Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-873

ENV 873

Fishing Partnership Support

Messrs. Tarr, Montigny, deMacedo and Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new section:-

SECTION _. Chapter 47 of the acts of 1997 is hereby amended by striking out section 22 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 22. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in fiscal years 2019 to 2025, inclusive, the office of Medicaid shall provide services to fishermen and fishing families; provided, however, that such services shall include, but not be limited to, assisting fishermen and fishing families in obtaining health insurance coverage.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-873-R1

Redraft ENV 873

Fishing Partnership Support

Messrs. Tarr, Montigny, deMacedo, Cyr, Crighton and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__the following section:-

"SECTION _. Chapter 47 of the acts of 1997 is hereby amended by striking out section 22 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 22. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in fiscal years 2019 to 2025, inclusive, the office of Medicaid shall allocate $2,000,000 annually for a Fishing Partnership Health Plan Corporation project that shall provide services to fishermen and fishing families; provided, however, that such services shall include, but not be limited to, assisting fishermen and fishing families in obtaining health insurance coverage."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-873-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 873

Fishing Partnership Support

Messrs. Tarr, Montigny, deMacedo, Cyr, Crighton and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 37 the following section:-

“SECTION 37A. Chapter 47 of the acts of 1997, as amended by chapter 287 of the acts of 2014, is hereby amended by striking out section 22 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 22. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in fiscal years 2019 to 2025, inclusive, the office of Medicaid shall allocate $1,000,000 annually for a Fishing Partnership Health Plan Corporation project that shall provide services to fishermen and fishing families; provided, however, that such services shall include, but not be limited to, assisting fishermen and fishing families in obtaining health insurance coverage.

Not later than March 1, 2019, the office of Medicaid shall provide a report to the clerks of the senate and the house of representative and the senate and house committees on ways and means on the availability of additional funds to further support the Fishing Partnership Health Plan Corporation.”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-874

ENV 874

Eel Pond Inlet Dredging Study

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following:- “; provided further that not less than $40,000 shall be expended to conduct a study of spit dredging and inlet widening of the Eel Pond Inlet located in the Waquoit Bay watershed; and in said item by striking out the figures "$9,245,558" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$9,285,558”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-875

ENV 875

Estate tax valuation for farms

Messrs. Tarr, Ross, Humason and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new sections:-

"SECTION _. Section 6F of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “under,” in line 52, the following words:- subsections (a) or (c) of.

SECTION _. Section 5 of chapter 65C, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out subsection (c) and inserting in place thereof the following subsections:-

(c) If the gross estate of a decedent, dying on or before December 31, 2018, includes real property devoted to use as a farm for farming purposes, the estate may elect to value such property in accordance with section 2032A of the Code, in effect on January 1, 1985. If a federal return is required to be filed, such election shall be consistent with the election made for federal estate tax purposes. All the substantive and procedural provisions of said section 2032A shall, insofar as pertinent and consistent, apply to such election. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

(d)(1) As used in this subsection, the following words shall have the following meanings:-

"Applicable date”, the date upon which the 10 year period that the estate shall be liable for assessment under paragraph (4) of this subsection begins. For qualifying agricultural land and associated land, the applicable date shall be the date of death of the decedent. For qualifying non-committed land, the applicable date shall be 2 years from the date of death of the decedent.

“Associated land”, land under the same ownership as and contiguous to qualifying agricultural land and which, as of the date of death of the decedent, is not committed to residential, industrial or commercial use. Land shall be deemed contiguous if it is separated from other land under the same ownership only by a public or private way or waterway. Land under the same ownership shall be deemed contiguous if it is connected to other land under the same ownership by an easement for water supply. Any such land in excess of 100 per cent of the acreage of qualifying agricultural land shall be deemed qualifying non-committed land.

“Closely held agricultural land", qualifying agricultural land, associated land and qualifying non-committed land for which an election is made under this subsection.

“Qualifying agricultural land”, land which meets the definition of forest land under chapter 61, land actively devoted to agricultural, horticultural or agricultural and horticultural uses under chapter 61A or recreational land under chapter 61B that is also used for farming or agriculture, as defined in section 1A of chapter 128, and has been devoted to such use or uses for at least 2 of the tax years immediately preceding the death of the decedent; provided, however, that the land need not be classified by municipal assessors as forest land under chapter 61, land actively devoted to agricultural, horticultural or agricultural and horticultural uses under chapter 61A or recreational land under chapter 61B to qualify for valuation as closely held agricultural land under this subsection.

“Qualifying non-committed land”, land which is not qualifying agricultural land and is not committed to residential, industrial or commercial use, including associated land in excess of 100 per cent of the acreage of qualifying agricultural land.

“Savings”, the difference between the estate taxes paid as a result of an election made under this subsection and the estate taxes that would have otherwise been paid had the election not been made.

(2) If the gross estate of a decedent, dying on or after January 1, 2019, includes real property that is qualifying agricultural land, associated land or qualifying non-committed land, the estate may elect to value such property, or any portion thereof, as closely held agricultural land pursuant to the valuation set by the farmland valuation advisory commission established pursuant to section 11 of chapter 61A for the fiscal year of the most recent growing season. The value of closely held agricultural land as determined pursuant to such election shall only be for the purposes of computing the tax due under this chapter. Such election shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs (3) through (6), inclusive, of this subsection.

(3) Unless the property is restricted by a non-development covenant that: (i) is approved by the commissioner of agriculture, (ii) is for the purposes of maintaining the land in agricultural use, (iii) precludes non-agricultural development of the land, (iv) is recorded at the registry of deeds in the counties or districts in which the property is located and (v) does not expire within 10 years of the applicable date, the commissioner shall forthwith cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds of the counties or districts in which the property is situated a statement which shall constitute a lien upon the land covered by election under this subsection. The statement shall include the owner or owners of record, the savings as a result of such election, the fair market value of the property and a description of the land adequate for identification. Unless such a statement is recorded the lien shall not be effective with respect to a bona fide purchaser or other transferee without actual knowledge of such lien. Upon application by any record owner, such liens shall be released by the commissioner with respect to any property upon the facts being established by their records or by affidavits or otherwise that all assessments have been paid, or it being more than 10 years past the applicable date, no assessment being due. All recording fees paid under this subsection whether for statements of liens, certificates, releases or otherwise shall be borne by the owner of record of the land.

Property restricted by an agricultural preservation restriction as defined by section 31 of chapter 184 and signed by the commissioner of agriculture shall be deemed to be restricted by a non-development covenant that (i) is approved by the commissioner of agriculture, (ii) is for the purposes of maintaining the land in agricultural use, (iii) precludes non-agricultural development of the land, (iv) is recorded at the registry of deeds in the counties or districts in which the property is located and (v) does not expire within 10 years of the applicable date.

(4)(i) When land valued as closely held agricultural land under this subsection, within a period of 10 years from the applicable date, is sold for other use or no longer qualifies as closely held agricultural land, the owner or owners shall immediately notify the commissioner of such sale or change of use and an assessment shall be due the commonwealth. Such assessment shall be calculated with interest based on the date of sale for other use or based on the last date of use as closely held agricultural land as follows:

The assessment shall be equal to 100 per cent of the savings if such date is within 1 year of the applicable date; 90 per cent of the savings if such date is within 2 years, but more than 1 year, of the applicable date; 80 per cent of the savings if such date is within 3 years, but more than 2 years, of the applicable date; 70 per cent of the savings if such date is within 4 years, but more than 3 years, of the applicable date; 60 per cent of the savings if such date is within 5 years, but more than 4 years, of the applicable date; 50 per cent of the savings if such date is within 6 years, but more than 5 years, of the applicable date; 40 per cent of the savings if such date is within 7 years, but more than 6 years, of the applicable date; 30 per cent of the savings if such date is within 8 years, but more than 7 years, of the applicable date; 20 per cent of the savings if such date is within 9 years, but more than 8 years, of the applicable date; 10 per cent of the savings if such date is within 10 years, but more than 9 years, of the applicable date; and no assessment shall be due if such date is more than 10 years from the applicable date.

Such assessment shall also include interest calculated at a simple interest rate of 5 per cent per annum on the savings from the applicable date.

There shall be an additional assessment equal to 30 per cent of the savings if the date of sale for other use or the last date of use while qualified as closely held agricultural land occurs within 1 year of the applicable date; and 15 per cent of the savings if such date occurs within 2 years, but more than 1 year, of the applicable date.

(ii) If an election has been made with respect to qualifying non-committed land which, on the applicable date, fails to meet the definition of forest land under chapter 61, land actively devoted to agricultural, horticultural or agricultural and horticultural uses under chapter 61A or recreational land under chapter 61B that is also used for farming or agriculture, as defined in section 1A of chapter 128, an assessment shall be due the commonwealth and payable by the owner or owners within 30 days of the applicable date; provided, however, that the land need not be classified by municipal assessors as forest land under chapter 61, land actively devoted to agricultural, horticultural or agricultural and horticultural uses under chapter 61A or recreational land under chapter 61B. Such assessment shall be equal to the sum of (A) 100 per cent of the savings; (B) interest calculated at a simple interest rate of 5 per cent per annum on the savings from the date of death of the decedent; and (C) an additional assessment equal to 30 per cent of the savings.

(iii) Notwithstanding this paragraph, there shall be no assessment if the land involved, or a lesser interest in the land, is acquired for a natural resource by the commonwealth or by a nonprofit conservation organization; provided, however, that if any portion of the land is sold or converted to commercial, residential or industrial use within 10 years after the applicable date by a nonprofit conservation organization, an assessment shall be imposed against the nonprofit conservation organization in the amount that would have been imposed at the time of acquisition of the subject parcel by the nonprofit conservation organization had the transaction been subject to an assessment or, in the case of qualifying non-committed land acquired by a nonprofit conservation organization before the applicable date, the amount that would have been imposed on the applicable date under clause (ii) of this paragraph.

(iv) In the case of sale for other use of closely held agricultural land, other than qualifying non-committed land sold for other use before the applicable date, assessments imposed by this subsection shall be due and payable by the grantor at the time of transfer of the property by deed or other instrument of conveyance. In the case of qualifying non-committed land sold for other use before the applicable date, assessments imposed by this subsection shall be due and payable by the grantor on the applicable date. In the case of change to a non-qualifying use, assessments imposed by this subsection shall be due and payable by the owner or owners within 30 days of the of the last date of use as closely held agricultural land, regardless of the date on which the commissioner was notified by said owner or owners of such change of use.

(v) An assessment shall be imposed on only that portion of land on which the use has changed. If, by conveyance or other action of the owner thereof, a portion of land which is valued as closely held agricultural land under this subsection is separated for other use, the land so separated shall be subject to liability for assessment, interest and additional assessment under this paragraph based on the proportion which the acreage of the land so separated bears to the total acreage of land valued as closely held agricultural land under this subsection.

(5) All buildings located on land which is valued as closely held agricultural land under this subsection and all land occupied by a dwelling or regularly used for family living shall not be valued as provided under this subsection.

(6) The commissioner shall promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-876

ENV 876

Aquatic Invasive Species Control

Ms. Creem, Mr. Barrett, Ms. Jehlen and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by inserting at the end thereof the following: -  “; and provided further, that not less than $350,000 shall be expended for aquatic invasive species control”;  and in said item by striking out the figures "$4,150,126" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$4,500,126"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-877

ENV 877

Central Plymouth County Water District Commission

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by adding the following: “; and provided further , that not less than $50,000 be allocated for the Central Plymouth County Water District Commission for the improvement and management of lakes and ponds in Central Plymouth County Water District”; and in said item by striking out the figure “$24,637,344” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$24,687,344”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-878

ENV 878

Habitat Conservation Plan

Messrs. O'Connor and Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0300, by inserting at the end the following:-

"provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for the purpose of implementing the statewide habitat conservation plan to increase recreational opportunities and shorebird conservation on the Commonwealth's beaches"; and in said item by striking out the figures "$150,035" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$300,035"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-880

ENV 880

Furnace Pond Dredging in Pembroke

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following:- "; provided further, that not less than $100,000 be allocated to the Town of Pembroke for the dredging of Furnace Pond” and in said item, by striking out the figures "$9,245,558" and inserting in place thereof the figures "9,345,558".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-880-R1

Redraft ENV 880

Furnace Pond Dredging in Pembroke

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0500, by inserting the following:- "; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the reconstruction of Gray's Beach in Kingston"; and in said item 2800-0500 by striking out the figure "$908,497" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$933,497".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-880-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 880

Furnace Pond Dredging in Pembroke

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the reconstruction of Gray's Beach in Kingston”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$200,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-881

ENV 881

Aquatic Harvester

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0200, by adding the following:-

"provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town Duxbury for an Aquatic Weed Harvester machine for pond management".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-884-R1

Redraft ENV 884

Independence Day Celebrations

Messrs. Boncore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by inserting the following new language:-

"provided further that not less than $75,000 be provided to the Boston 4 Celebrations Foundation for the purposes of the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular for the fourth of July Independence Day celebrations on the Charles River".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-884-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 884

Independence Day Celebrations

Messrs. Boncore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by inserting the following new language:-

“provided further, that not less than $75,000 be provided to the Boston 4 Celebrations Foundation for the purposes of the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular for the fourth of July Independence Day celebrations on the Charles River”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-884

ENV 884

Independence Day Celebrations

Messrs. Boncore and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by inserting the following new language:-

"provided further that not less than $350,000 be provided to the Boston 4 Celebrations Foundation for the purposes of the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular for the fourth of July Independence Day celebrations on the Charles River".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-886-R1

Redraft ENV 886

Lynn Parks Improvements

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following words:- "; provided further that not less than $55,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Cook Playground, Kiley Park, Flax Pond Playground and Ames Playground in the City of Lynn"; and in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,275,092"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-886

ENV 886

Lynn Parks Improvements

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following words:- "; provided further that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Cook Playground, Kiley Park, Flax Pond Playground and Ames Playground in the City of Lynn"; and in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,260,092"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-887

ENV 887

Invasive Aquatic Species

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following words:- "; provided further, that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and removal of invasive pond vegetation in bodies of water located in and maintained by the City of Lynn"; and in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,235,092"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-887-R1

Redraft ENV 887

Invasive Aquatic Species

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $15,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and removal of invasive pond vegetation in bodies of water located in and maintained by the city of Lynn”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$190,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-888

ENV 888

Metropolitan Beaches

Messrs. Crighton, Keenan, Collins and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0500, by striking out item 2800-0500, and inserting in place thereof the following:- “2800-0500 For the existing maintenance, operational and infrastructure needs of the metropolitan beaches in section 70 of chapter 3 of the General Laws; provided, that not less than $900,000 shall be expended for the metropolitan beaches in Lynn, Nahant, Revere, Winthrop, East Boston, South Boston, Dorchester, Quincy and Hull to be fully maintained and seasonally staffed as recommended by the metropolitan beaches commission in coordination with the department of conservation and recreation; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s staff time, consultants and direct expenses to support the ongoing work of the metropolitan beaches commission; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the cleanup of Pilayella algae on Kings Beach and Long Beach in Lynn; provided further, that not less than $45,000 shall be expended for the Beach Access Resilience Project in Swampscott; and provided further, that not less than $190,000 shall be expended for matching grants to public and nonpublic entities to support free public events and programs on the metropolitan beaches as part of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s Better Beaches Grants Program as recommended by the metropolitan beaches commission ................................... $1,235,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-889

ENV 889

Establishing the Metropolitan Beaches Trust

Messrs. Crighton, Keenan, Collins and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section ___, the following new section: -

“SECTION XX. Section 35 of Chapter 10 of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after Section 35DDD the following:

Section EEE:  There shall be established the Metropolitan Beaches Trust Fund to be used, without further appropriation, to support the work of Metropolitan Beaches Commission, and free events and recreational and educational programs at the Metropolitan Beaches. Funds for this trust may come from both public and private sources, to be expended as recommended by the Metropolitan Beaches Commission in consultation with the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Any balance in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund, but shall remain available for expenditure in subsequent future years to support the work of the Metropolitan Beaches Commission and free events and recreational and educational programs at the Metropolitan Beaches.”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-890

ENV 890

Norfolk City Mills Dam Improvements

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0700, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for engineering improvements to the City Mills Dam in Norfolk;” and in said item, by striking the figures “$470,002” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$520,002”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-890-R1

Redraft ENV 890

Norfolk City Mills Dam Improvements

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for engineering improvements to the City Mills Dam in the town of Norfolk”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-891-R1

Redraft ENV 891

Marblehead Goldthwait Salt Marsh Restoration

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $45,000 shall be expended for maintenance and repair of Goldthwait marsh in the town of Marblehead”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$220,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-891

ENV 891

Marblehead Goldthwait Salt Marsh Restoration

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2300-0101, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that no less than $45,000 shall be expended for maintenance and repair of Goldthwait Marsh in the town of Marblehead”; and in said item 2300-0101, by striking out the figure "$1,255,156" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "1,300,156"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-892

ENV 892

Stacy Brook Outfall

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- "; provided further that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the testing and treatment of fecal coliform bacteria at the Stacy Brook Outfall by the water division in the City of Lynn"; and in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,270,092"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-893

ENV 893

Cutler Park in Needham

Mr. Rush moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following:- “provided further, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and improvement to Cutler Park located in the town of Needham”; and in said item by striking out the figures “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures:- “$325,000"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-893-R1

Redraft ENV 893

Cutler Park in Needham

Messrs. Rush and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the maintenance and improvement of Cutler Park located in the town of Needham”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the figure:- “$275,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-894

ENV 894

Department of Environmental Protection Administration

Messrs. Eldridge, Barrett, Lewis and Brownsberger, Ms. Friedman, Mr. Moore, Ms. Jehlen, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Cyr, Timilty, Collins, Welch, Feeney and deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by striking out the figure “$24,637,344” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$30,000,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-895

ENV 895

Lobster Processing

Messrs. Tarr, Montigny, Humason, Ross, Rodrigues and Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__, the following new section:-

"SECTION __. Section 44 of chapter 130 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the third paragraph, as appearing in section 107 of chapter 38 of the acts of 2013, and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-

If the measurement of any such lobster taken from 1 or the other eye sockets is of the required length, such lobster shall be deemed to be a legal lobster. In all prosecutions under this section, any mutilation of any lobster which affects its measurement as aforesaid shall be prima facie evidence that the lobster was or is shorter than the required length; provided, however, that the director shall, by regulation approved by the marine fisheries advisory commission, allow the on-shore processing in the commonwealth of live lobsters of legal length into frozen shell-on lobster parts or tails and the importation of unfrozen shell-on lobster parts or tails for the purpose of further processing by wholesale dealers that are licensed by the department of public health under section 77G of chapter 94. Processed frozen shell-on lobster parts or tails may be possessed, sold or offered for sale in the commonwealth by any wholesale dealer, retail dealer or food establishments and such food product may be possessed by a consumer. The processing, possession or sale of frozen or unfrozen lobster tails pursuant to this section shall be limited to lobster tails weighing 3 ounces or more. The packaging of processed frozen or unfrozen shell-on lobster parts or tails pursuant to this section as a food product shall be labeled in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. This section shall not apply to common carriers having lobster in possession for the purpose of transportation.

This section shall take effect on April 1, 2019 during which time the Division of Marine Fisheries shall promulgate regulations, in accordance with recommendations from the 2012 Division of Marine Fisheries report entitled, "Analysis of Laws, Regulations and Policies Pertaining to the Processing, Possession and Sale of Processed Frozen Lobster Parts," to maintain enforcement of conservation rules and to ensure only legally sized lobsters are taken."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-896

ENV 896

Red Rock Park

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following words:- "; provided further, that not less than $55,000 shall be expended for the maintenance of Red Rock park on Lynn Shore drive in the city of Lynn"; and

In said section 2, in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,275,092"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-896-R1

Redraft ENV 896

Red Rock Park

Mr. Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $55,000 shall be expended for the maintenance of Red Rock park on Lynn Shore drive in the city of Lynn”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$230,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-897-R1

Redraft ENV 897

Pembroke Pond Management

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to the town of Pembroke for pond management”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “200,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-897

ENV 897

Pembroke Pond Management

Mr. deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following:- "; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to the town of Pembroke for pond management"; and in said item, by striking out  the figure "$4,150,126" and inserting in place thereof the figure:- "4,175,126".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-898

ENV 898

King Street Park Improvements in Franklin

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for improvements to the King Street Memorial Park in the City known as the Town of Franklin;” and in said item, by striking out the figures “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$43,420,092”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-898-R1

Redraft ENV 898

King Street Park Improvements in Franklin

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $200,000 shall be expended for improvements to the King street memorial park in the city known as the town of Franklin”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure “$375,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-899

ENV 899

Plainville Water Testing

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to the Town of Plainville for analysis of the town’s storm water system;” and in said item, by striking the figures “$24,637,344” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$24,662,344”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-900

ENV 900

Wrentham/Plainville Regional Animal Shelter

Mr. Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended to the Town of Wrentham to establish a regional animal shelter with the Town of Plainville;” and in said item, by striking the figures “$4,945,785” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$5,045,785”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-902

ENV 902

State Marine Genomics Program

Messrs. Tarr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by inserting after item 2330-0300 the following item:-


“XXXX-XXXX For the establishment, coordination, and operation of a state marine genomics program through Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, Inc. in cooperation with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Marine Station Gloucester and the Department of Marine Fisheries (Gloucester) ………... $100,000”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-905

ENV 905

Town of Braintree Dog Park

Mr. Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that no less than $50,000 shall be expended for the building of a recreational dog park in the town of Braintree”; and

In said item, by striking out the figure “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$43,270,092”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-905-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 905

Town of Braintree Dog Park

Messrs. Keenan and Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Braintree for the construction of a recreational dog park”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122 , by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-905-R1

Redraft ENV 905

Town of Braintree Dog Park

Mr. Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the building of a recreational dog park in the town of Braintree”; and

in said section 2, in said item 7008-0900, by striking out the figure “$848,176” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$898,176”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-906

ENV 906

EEA Administration

Mr. Tarr, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by striking the figures “$9,245,558” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “9,416,060”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-907

ENV 907

Crystal Lake in Newton

Ms. Creem moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the environmental preservation of Crystal Lake in Newton”; and

in Section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:-  “$200,000”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-907-R1

Redraft ENV 907

Crystal Lake in Newton

Ms. Creem moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the environmental preservation of Crystal Lake in Newton; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for the national historic landmark status for Echo Bridge in Newton”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-914

ENV 914

Margaret Fuller House

Mr. DiDomenico moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0105, by adding the following:-

"provided that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for Margaret Fuller House in Cambridge for improvements to their food pantry".

and in said item by striking the following figures “$16,500,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figures “$16,525,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-915

ENV 915

Protecting Massachusetts Lobster Fishermen

Messrs. deMacedo, Cyr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2330-0100, by inserting the following:- "; provided further, that not less than $1,000,000 shall be expended for a grant program to provide financial support for Massachusetts lobster fishermen suffering adverse economic effects due to the emergency ban on fishing in Cape Cod Bay for the protection of endangered right whales"; and in said item by striking out the figure "$6,369,289" and inserting in place thereof the figure "7,369,289".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-916-R1

Redraft ENV 916

Magazine Beach

Mr. Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by inserting at the end thereof the following:-

"provided further that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to improve Magazine Beach in Cambridge".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-916-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 916

Magazine Beach

Messrs. Boncore and DiDomenico moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:-  “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for improvements to Magazine beach in the city of Cambridge”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-916

ENV 916

Magazine Beach

Mr. Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by inserting at the end thereof the following:-

"provided further that not less than $100,000 shall be expended to improve Magazine Beach in Cambridge".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-919

ENV 919

Dairy Tax Credit

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Tarr, Rodrigues, Ross, Hinds and Eldridge, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. O'Connor and Crighton moved that the proposed new text be amended by adding the following two sections:-

SECTION XX. Subsection (o) of section 6 of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 723, the figures “$4,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- $8,000,000.

SECTION YY. Section 38Z of chapter 63, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 28, the figures “$4,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:-$8,000,000.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-920

ENV 920

Emergency Food Assistance Restoration

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Eldridge, Moore, Welch and Cyr, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0105, by striking the figure “$16,500,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:-  “$17,673,831”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-921

ENV 921

Department of Agricultural Resources

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Lesser, Eldridge and O'Connor and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by striking the figures “$4,945,785” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:-  “$5,455,785

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-922

ENV 922

Produce Safety

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Ross and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by adding the following section:


SECTION XX. Chapter 128 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:-

Section 116. (a) The following words as used in this section shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:

"Farm", lands that are used by a person for farming or agriculture as defined in section 1A.


"Federal act", the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, Public Law No. 111-353, as amended.


"Federal standards", the standards adopted under the Federal Act for the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce for human consumption, as set forth in Title 21, Part 112 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended.


"Produce", produce as defined in 21 C.F.R. § 112.3, as amended.


"Produce farm", any farm engaged in the growing, harvesting, packing, or holding of produce.


(b) The department may enforce in the Commonwealth the federal standards. The department may consult and collaborate, and enter into cooperative agreements, with the department of public health regarding application and enforcement of the federal act.


(c) (1) The department may enter upon and inspect a produce farm during reasonable hours for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the federal standards or, pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, comparable state standards applicable to produce not meeting the definition of "covered produce" under 21 C.F.R. § 112.3, as amended. The Commissioner may promulgate regulations as may be necessary to implement this paragraph.


(2) The department may conduct inspections of produce not meeting the definition of covered produce under 21 C.F.R. § 112.3, as amended, or a produce farm not subject to the federal standards under 21 C.F.R. §§ 112.4-11.25, as amended, only upon the request of the operator of the produce farm. Such request for inspection shall subject the produce farm and its operator to the authority of the department as set forth in this section.


(3) After inspection, the department may issue an inspection certificate that shall include the date and place of inspection along with any other information that the department may prescribe. The department may coordinate with other state and federal agencies and organizations to carry out inspections at or near the same time on a particular produce farm.


(d) The department may issue reasonable orders necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section, including but not limited to, orders for the embargo, destruction, quarantine, and release of produce. The Commissioner may promulgate regulations as may be necessary to implement this subsection.


(e) The operator of a produce farm shall maintain records required by the federal act and rules adopted thereunder and shall make those records available to the department upon request.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-923

ENV 923

Lake Wickaboag Dredging Project

Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words: "; provided further, that $500,000 shall be expended for a dredging project and to improve, manage and protect the water quality, in Lake Wickaboag in the town of West Brookfield"; and

In said section 2, in said item 2000-0100, by striking out the figure "$9,245,558" and inserting in place thereof the following figure: "$9,745,558".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-923-R1

Redraft ENV 923

Lake Wickaboag Dredging Project

Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for a dredging project and to improve, manage and protect the water quality in Lake Wickaboag in the town of West Brookfield”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2000-0100, by striking out the figure “$9,245,558” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$9,295,558”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-924

ENV 924

Senior FarmShare Program

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Moore, Welch and Cyr, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 9110-1900, by adding the following:- "provided, that not less than the amount appropriated in item 9110-1900 of section 2 of chapter 38 of the acts of 2013 shall be expended for the senior farm share program."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-925

ENV 925

DCR State Parks & Recreation

Ms. Gobi and Mr. Rush moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by striking out the figure “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$45,220,092”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-925-R1

Redraft ENV 925

DCR State Parks & Recreation

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Rush, Barrett, Hinds, Moore, Eldridge, Lewis, Welch, Brownsberger and Cyr, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Collins, Crighton, Tran, O'Connor, Feeney, Fattman, Lesser and DiDomenico moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$45,220,092”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-926

ENV 926

Farm to School

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Ross, Eldridge, Moore, Welch, Cyr and Crighton, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Lesser, O'Connor and Rush moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following: “provided further that not less than $120,000 shall be expended to support the Massachusetts Farm to School Project”; and

and in said section 2, in said item 2511-0100, by striking out the figure “4,945,785” and inserting in place thereof the following figures “5,065,785”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-927

ENV 927

HIP - Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture Staffing

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Cyr, Lesser, Humason and Lewis, Ms. Friedman, Messrs. Hinds, Moore, Crighton and Welch, Ms. O'Connor Ives, Messrs. Pacheco, Tran, Rodrigues, Tarr, Eldridge and O'Connor and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided, that not less than $275,000 shall be provided to Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture to administer a statewide program of services by community partners to provide educational, technical, promotional and other support to farmers and participants in the Healthy Incentives Program administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance”; and

In section 2, in said item by striking out the figure "$4,945,785" and inserting in place thereof the following figure "$5,220,785".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-928

ENV 928

Buy Local

Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Lesser, Hinds, Eldridge, Moore, Welch, Pacheco, Cyr and Rodrigues, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor, Rush and Humason moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following words:- "provided further, that no less than $500,000 shall be expended to enhance the Buy Local effort in Western, Central, Northeastern and Southeastern Massachusetts"; and

In said section 2, in said item 2511-0100 by striking out the figure “$4,945,785”and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$5,445,785".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-929

ENV 929

Hazardous waste site cleanup

Messrs. Lewis and Crighton, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Eldridge and O'Connor and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2260-8870, by striking out the figure “$13,000,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$15,500,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-930

ENV 930

Exemptions from taxation of structures and buildings essential to the operation of agricultural and horticultural lands

Messrs. Tarr, Tran, Ross, O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section _, the following new section:-

"SECTION _. Chapter 61A of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section 15, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 15. (a) Except as provided for in this section, all buildings located on land which is valued, assessed and taxed on the basis of its agricultural or horticultural uses in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and all land occupied by a dwelling or regularly used for family living shall be valued, assessed and taxed by the same standards, methods and procedures as other taxable property.

(b) Structures and buildings essential to the operation of lands actively devoted to the  primary purpose of commercial agriculture, aquaculture, silviculture, horticulture, floriculture or viticulture and actually used and occupied to carry out such operation as set forth in section 1A of chapter 128, which are constructed or reconstructed subsequent to July 1, 2015 shall be exempt from taxation under chapter 59 to the extent of any increase in value thereof by reason of such construction or reconstruction for a period of 5 years.

The term “structures and buildings” shall include: (1) structures and buildings or portions thereof used directly and exclusively in the raising and production for sale of agricultural and horticultural commodities or necessary for the storage thereof, including structures and buildings or portions thereof used for the processing of agricultural and horticultural commodities, or the retail merchandising of such commodities produced or raised in the commonwealth; (2) structures and buildings used to provide housing for regular and essential employees and their immediate families who are primarily employed in connection with the operation of lands actively devoted to agricultural and horticultural use, but not including structures and buildings occupied as a residence by the applicant and his immediate family; (3) structures and buildings used as indoor exercise arenas exclusively for training and exercising horses in connection with the raising and production for sale of agricultural and horticultural commodities or in connection with a commercial horse boarding operation; (4) structures and buildings used in the production of maple syrup; (5) structures and buildings used in the production of honey and beeswax including those structures and buildings used for the storage of bees. For purposes of this section, the term “indoor exercise arenas” shall not include riding academies that solely provide equine riding lessons or dude ranches.

As used in this section, the term “agricultural” shall include the activity of raising, breeding and boarding of livestock, including commercial horse boarding operations.

(c) Such exemption from taxation shall be granted only upon an application by the owner of the building or structure on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The applicant shall furnish such information as such board of assessors shall require. Such application shall be filed with the assessor of the municipality having the power to assess property for taxation on or before the appropriate taxable status date of such municipality and within 1 year from the date of completion of such construction or reconstruction.

If the assessor is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to an exemption pursuant to this section, he shall approve the application. Such structures or buildings shall be exempt from taxation as herein provided.

(d) The assessed value of any exemption granted under this section shall be entered by the assessor on the portion of the assessment roll provided for property exempt from taxation. An exemption granted pursuant to this section shall continue only while the buildings and structures are actually used and occupied as provided herein, but in no event for more than 10 years.

In the event that land or buildings or structures in agricultural or horticultural use are converted to non-agricultural or non-horticultural use during the period of an exemption granted pursuant to this section, the structures or buildings upon which the exemption was granted shall be subject to roll-back taxes for the period during which the exemption was operative. Structures and buildings subject to roll-back taxes shall be taxed as provided herein.

The assessors of the appropriate assessing unit shall enter on the taxable portion of the assessment roll of the current year the assessed valuation or valuations of the structures or buildings on which exemption was granted in any prior year or years at the assessed valuation or valuations as set forth on the exempt portion of the assessment roll or rolls.

The amount of roll-back taxes shall be computed by the appropriate tax levying body by applying the applicable tax rate for each such prior year to the assessed valuation, as set forth on the exempt portion of the assessment roll, for such structures or buildings for each such prior year during such period of exemption.

Such roll-back taxes shall be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are imposed and levied under this chapter."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-931

ENV 931

Cohasset Aquatic Harvester

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0200, by adding the following:-

"provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town of Cohasset for an Aquatic Weed Harvester machine for pond management".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-931-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 931

Cohasset Aquatic Harvester

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0101, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town of Cohasset for an aquatic weed harvester machine for pond management"; and

in said section 2, in said item 2800-0101, by striking out the figure “$919,803” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$954,803”; and

in said section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words:- "; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Hingham for structural repairs at Whitney Wharf Park”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2000-0100, by striking out the figure "$9,245,558" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$9,295,558"; and

in said section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended to the town of Hull for main street economic development and storefront improvements”; and

in said section 2, in said item 7008-0900, by striking out the figure “$848,176” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$878,176”; and

in said section 2, in item 8324-0000, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the town of Scituate to purchase a mobile de-watering pump for shared use between the Scituate, Duxbury and Marshfield fire departments to have independent means to aid flooded properties”; and

in said section 2, in said item 8324-0000, by striking out the figure “$24,291,145” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$24,331,145”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-931-R1

Redraft ENV 931

Cohasset Aquatic Harvester

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0101, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town of Cohasset for an aquatic weed harvester machine for pond management; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Hingham for structural repairs at Whitney Wharf Park”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2800-0101, by striking out the figure “$919,803” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$954,803”; and

in said section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended to the town of Hull for main street economic development and storefront improvements”; and

in said section 2, in said item 7008-0900, by striking out the figure “$848,176” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$878,176”; and

in said section 2, in item 8324-0000, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the town of Scituate to purchase a mobile de-watering pump for shared use between the Scituate, Duxbury and Marshfield fire departments to have independent means to aid flooded properties”; and

in said section 2, in said item 8324-0000, by striking out the figure “$24,291,145” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$24,331,145”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-931-R3

3rd Redraft ENV 931

Cohasset Aquatic Harvester

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 1599-0026, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Hingham for structural repairs at Whitney Wharf park; provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town of Cohasset for an aquatic weed harvester machine for pond management”; and

in said section 2, in said item 1599-0026 by striking out the figure “$4,400,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$4,485,000”; and

in said section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended to the town of Hull for main street economic development and storefront improvements”; and

in said section 2, in said item 7008-0900, by striking out the figure “$848,176” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$878,176”; and

in said section 2, in item 8324-0000, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the town of Scituate to purchase a mobile de-watering pump for shared use between the fire departments in the towns of Scituate, Duxbury and Marshfield to have independent means to aid flooded properties”; and

in said section 2, in said item 8324-0000, by striking out the figure “$24,291,145” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$24,331,145”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-932

ENV 932

Hingham Harbor Erosion Repair

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by inserting at the end the following:-

"; and provided further that $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Hingham for structural repairs at Whitney Wharf Park"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-932-R1

Redraft ENV 932

Hingham Harbor Erosion Repair

Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by inserting at the end the following:-

"; and provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Hingham for structural repairs at Whitney Wharf Park"

Mr. O'Connor further moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following:-

"; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended to the town of Hull for main street economic development and storefront improvements"

Mr. O'Connor further moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 8324-0000, by inserting at the end the following:-

“; and provided further, that not less than $40,000 shall be expended for the town of Scituate to purchase a mobile de-watering pump for shared use between the Scituate, Duxbury, and Marshfield fire departments to have independent means to aid flooded properties”

Mr. O'Connor further moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0200, by adding the following:-

"; provided further, that not less than $35,000 shall be expended to the town of Cohasset for an Aquatic Weed Harvester machine for pond management".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-933

ENV 933

DCR Watershed Management

Messrs. Timilty, Eldridge and Brownsberger, Ms. Friedman, Messrs. Barrett and Moore, Ms. Gobi, Ms. Jehlen, Mr. Lewis, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Cyr, Collins, O'Connor and Welch moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0101, by striking out the figure "919,803" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "1,100,000".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-934

ENV 934

Blue Hills Observatory Science Center

Messrs. Timilty, Barrett, Eldridge, Cyr, Pacheco, O'Connor and Collins moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following: "provided that $100,000 be expended for the operations of the Blue Hill Observatory Science Center, Inc."; and in said item by striking out the figure "43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "43,320,092".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-935

ENV 935

Blue Hills Trailside Museum

Messrs. Timilty, Moore, Keenan, Cyr, O'Connor, Collins, Feeney and Barrett moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following: “provided that not less than $1,000,000 shall be expended for the Blue Hills Trailside Museum”; and in said item, by striking out the figure "43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "44,220,092".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-935-R1

Redraft ENV 935

Blue Hills Trailside Museum

Messrs. Timilty, Moore, Keenan, Cyr, O'Connor, Collins, Feeney, Barrett and Brownsberger moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding at the end thereof the following: “; provided further, that not less than $300,000 shall be expended for the Blue Hills Trailside Museum in the town of Milton”; and

in said item, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$475,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-937

ENV 937

Water Quality Monitoring

Messrs. Barrett and Eldridge, Ms. Friedman and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended to enter into an agreement with OARS, Inc. to operate a water quality monitoring program in the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord rivers”; and

In said section 2, in said item 2200-0100, by striking out the figure “$24,637,344” and inserting in the place thereof the following figure:- “$24,662,944”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-938-R1

Redraft ENV 938

Beach Conservation

Messrs. Cyr, deMacedo, Eldridge and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0300, by adding the following words:- “; provided, that not less than $70,000 shall be expended to implement the statewide habitat conservation plan to increase recreational opportunities and shorebird conservation on the commonwealth’s beaches”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2310-0300, by striking out the figure “$150,035” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$220,035”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-938

ENV 938

Beach Conservation

Messrs. Cyr, deMacedo, Eldridge and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0300, by adding the following words:- "; provided further that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the purpose of implementing the statewide habitat conservation plan to increase recreational opportunities and shorebird conservation on the Commonwealth's beaches"; and

In said section 2, in said item 2310-0300, by striking out the figure "$150,035" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$250,035".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-940

ENV 940

Tri-Town Water Treatment Plant

Messrs. Timilty and Keenan moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2250-2000, by adding the following words:- "provided that $25,000,000 shall be expended for the construction costs of a department of environmental protection-mandated water treatment plant for the towns of Randolph, Braintree, and Holbrook"; and in said section 2, in said item 2250-2000, by striking out the figure "2,200,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "27,200,000".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-941

ENV 941

Nantucket Coastal Study

Mr. Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2330-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $20,000 shall be expended for the division to complete a study of the impacts of the trawl fishery targeting longfin squid, in waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, with particular focus on the division of marine fisheries and federal sea sampling data collection programs concerning catch and by-catch”; and

In said section 2, in said item 2330-0100, by striking out the figure “$6,369,289” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$6,389,289”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-942-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 942

Leicester Park Improvements

Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for park revitalization and accessibility improvements in the town of Leicester”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-942-R1

Redraft ENV 942

Leicester Park Improvements

Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following words:- “;provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for park revitalization and accessibility improvements in the town of Leicester”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$43,270,092”.


Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-942

ENV 942

Leicester Park Improvements

Mr. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following words:- “;provided further, that not less than $60,000 shall be expended for park revitalization and accessibility improvements in the town of Leicester”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$43,280,092”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-944

ENV 944

Intersection safety improvements in the City of Malden

Mr. Lewis moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that $100,000 shall be expended for safety improvements on Fellsway East at Highland Avenue in the city of Malden”; and In said section 2, in said item 2800-0100, by striking out the figure “$4,150,126” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$4,250,126”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-944-R1

Redraft ENV 944

Intersection safety improvements in the City of Malden

Mr. Lewis moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7008-0900, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for safety improvements on Fellsway East at Highland Avenue in the city of Malden”; and in said section 2, in said item 7008-0900, by striking out the figure “$848,176” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$948,176”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-945-R1

Redraft ENV 945

Buzzards Bay Water Quality Monitoring

Messrs. Rodrigues, Cyr, Montigny and deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Buzzards Bay Coalition for a coastal water quality and natural resource monitoring program in Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2200-0100, by striking out the figure “$24,637,344” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$24,687,344”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-945

ENV 945

Buzzards Bay Water Quality Monitoring

Messrs. Rodrigues, Cyr, Montigny and deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by inserting at the end thereof the following words:- "provided further that no less than $125,000 shall be expended by the Buzzards Bay Coalition for a coastal water quality and natural resource monitoring program in Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound;"; and in said item by striking out the figures “$24,637,344” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$24,762,344”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-946

ENV 946

Fishing and Boating Access Technical Fix

Mr. Rodrigues moved that the proposed new text be amended by adding the following section:-

SECTION __.  Section 10H of chapter 21A of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking from line 3 the statutory reference “section 17A of said chapter 21’’ and inserting in place thereof the following statutory reference “section 11B of said chapter 21A”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-947

ENV 947

DCR Stewardship 2

Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section ___ the following section:-

"SECTION ____. Section 44 of chapter 85 of the acts of 1994 is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following sentence: Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, any historic property designated as such by this section shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter 59 of the General Laws."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-950

ENV 950

Annual Rental Fees

Messrs. DiDomenico, Boncore, Tran and Barrett, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Collins, Rush and Timilty and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section ___ the following section:-

"SECTION ___. Chapter 65 of the acts of 2010 are hereby amended adding the following:

Section 2A. The yearly rental increase of each of these leases shall be no more than two per cent of the established rate for each lease as of January 1, 2015. In addition, each club shall be credited yearly with a dollar for dollar credit against such lease payment for (1) the documented cost of improvements and repairs and maintenance of the land and appurtenances associated therewith which protect and preserve the right of the public to use those areas of the property for public access and boating, including but not limited to clean up and environmental protection of the river; (2) the documented cost of carrying comprehensive general liability insurance naming the commonwealth as a co-insured, protecting the commonwealth against all claims for personal injury or property damage arising from land and appurtenances, to which the public has a right of access, during the term of the lease; (3) the documented cost of providing appropriate public access to public park land and boating areas, including but not limited to the repairs of roads and boat ramp areas; (4) the documented cost of providing outreach and stewardship or benefits to non-profits, municipalities, senior citizen organizations, veterans organizations, educational and environmental facilities and/or organizations, and those consumers with physical or mental handicaps.


If the documented cost of each of those responsibilities contained in paragraph 2A above exceed the cost of the lease payment for each individual year, resulting in no payment for any one year, that amount shall be carried over until the next year, and each following year and credited against those year’s lease payments until the cost of those responsibilities is eliminated. Each year’s lease payments shall be the difference between the established lease rate, minus the cost of the responsibilities listed above. Each boat club shall file an audited statement each year with the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, the commissioner of conservation and recreation, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the chairmen of the joint committee on state administration detailing the responsibilities undertaken and completed, and the cost and payment associated therewith."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-950-R1

Redraft ENV 950

Annual Rental Fees

Messrs. DiDomenico, Boncore, Tran and Barrett, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Collins, Rush and Timilty, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section ___ the following section:-

"SECTION ___. Chapter 65 of the Acts of 2010 are hereby amended adding the following:

Section 2A. The yearly rental increase of each of these leases shall be no more than two per cent of the established rate for each lease as of January 1, 2015, unless otherwise stated in this section.

Each club shall be credited yearly with a dollar for dollar credit against such lease payment for (1) the documented cost of improvements and repairs and maintenance of the land and appurtenances associated therewith which protect and preserve the right of the public to use those areas of the property for public access and boating, including but not limited to clean up and environmental protection of the river; (2) the documented cost of carrying comprehensive general liability insurance naming the commonwealth as a co-insured, protecting the commonwealth against all claims for personal injury or property damage arising from land and appurtenances, to which the public has a right of access, during the term of the lease; (3) the documented cost of providing appropriate public access to public park land and boating areas, including but not limited to the repairs of roads and boat ramp areas; (4) the documented cost of providing outreach and stewardship or benefits to non-profits, municipalities, senior citizen organizations, veterans organizations, environmental facilities and/or organizations, and those consumers with physical or developmental disabilities.

If the documented cost of each of those responsibilities contained in this section exceed the cost of the lease payment for each individual year, resulting in no payment for any one year, that amount shall be carried over until the next year, and each following year and credited against those year's lease payments until the cost of those responsibilities is eliminated. Each year's lease payments shall be the difference between the established lease rate, minus the cost of the responsibilities listed above. Each boat club shall file an audited statement each year with the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, the commissioner of conservation and recreation, the house and senate committees on ways and means and the chairmen of the joint committee on state administration detailing the responsibilities undertaken and completed, and the cost and payment associated therewith."

This section shall only apply to an organization currently operating a yacht club or other boating facility on public park land under the care and control of the department of conservation and recreation for the land and appurtenances associated therewith used by the yacht club or boating organization as shown in existing records of the department including, but not limited to, the Union Boat Club in the city of Boston; the Cambridge Boat Club in the city of Cambridge; the Riverside Boat Club in the city of Cambridge;  the Puritan Canoe Club in the city of Boston; the Neponset Valley Yacht Club in the town of Milton; the Wollaston Yacht Club in the city of Quincy; the Squantum Yacht Club in the city of Quincy; the South Shore Yacht Club in the city of Weymouth; the Charlesgate Yacht Club in the city of Cambridge; the Charles River Yacht Club in the city of Cambridge; the Newton Yacht Club in the city of Newton; the Columbia Yacht Club in the city of Boston; the South Boston Yacht Club in the South Boston section of the city of Boston; the Riverside Yacht Club in the city of Medford; the Medford Boat Club in the city of Medford; the Mystic Wellington Yacht Club in the city of Medford; the Watertown Yacht Club in the city of Watertown; the East Boston Yacht Club in the East Boston section of the city of Boston; the Dorchester Yacht Club in the Dorchester section of the city of Boston; the Boston Harbor Yacht Club in the city of Boston; the Blessing of the Bay Boat House in the city of Somerville, the Winter Hill Yacht Club in the city of Somerville.  This section shall not apply to any club associated with an educational institution including, but not limited to, the Buckingham, Browne & Nichols Boat House in the city of Cambridge; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boat House in the city of Cambridge; the Belmont Hill/Winsor Boat House in the city of Cambridge; the Tufts University Boat Club in the city of Medford; the Harvard Sailing Pavilion in the city of Cambridge; the Boston University Sailing Pavilion in the city of Boston; The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sailing Pavilion in the city of Cambridge; and the Boston University DeWolfe Boat House in the city of Cambridge.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-950-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 950

Annual Rental Fees

Messrs. DiDomenico, Boncore, Tran and Barrett, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Collins, Rush and Timilty, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 37 the following section:-

“SECTION 37A. Chapter 65 of the acts of 2010 is hereby amended by inserting after section 2 the following section:-

Section 2A. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the leases or other agreements executed under section 1 shall not require an annual rental payment increase of more than 4 per cent of the established rental payment rate for each lease as of January 1, 2018. This section shall not apply to any lease or other agreement executed by a club associated with an educational institution.”.


Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-951

ENV 951

EEA Information Technology Services

Ms. Gobi and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-1700, by striking the figures “$10,548,386” and inserting in place thereof the following figures:- “10,651,056"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-952

ENV 952

Freetown Sewer Feasibility Study

Mr. Rodrigues moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by inserting the following: “provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended for a sewer feasibility study in the town of Freetown."

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-953-R1

Redraft ENV 953

Park Improvements

Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Howe State Park in the town of Spencer; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Moore State Park in the town of Paxton; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to the town of Charlton for the construction of a public outdoor gym”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$325,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-953

ENV 953

Park Improvements

Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “provided that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Howe State Park in the town of Spencer; provided that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the operation and rehabilitation of Moore State Park in the town of Paxton; provided further that not less than $80,000 shall be expended to the town of Charlton for the construction of a public outdoor gym”; and

In said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figures “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$355,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-954

ENV 954

Maintaining Sanitary Public Pools

Messrs. Cyr and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0501, by inserting after the word “maintained”, in line 7, the following words:-

“ in compliance with the requirements of 105 CMR 435.00”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-955

ENV 955

Improvements to Kittredge Park

Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that $250,000 shall be expended for maintenance and improvements to Kittredge Park and its surrounding streetscapes in the city of Lowell”; and in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$425,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-956

ENV 956

Improvements to Downtown Lowell

Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “; provided further, that $250,000 shall be expended for streetscape upgrades, repairs, and art in the downtown area of the city of Lowell”;

and in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$425,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-957

ENV 957

Massachusetts Maritime Commercial Tax Credit

Messrs. Tarr, Montigny, Collins, O'Connor, Fattman and Boncore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, SECTION _. Chapter 62 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 6N the following section:-

Section 6O. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

“Certified construction”, the construction of a qualified water-dependent facility that has been approved and certified by the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, in consultation with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, as being consistent with the standards established by the Designated Port Area for the purposes of this section.

“Qualified water-dependent facility”, any building or structure, located within the commonwealth, constructed for the exclusive use of water-dependent commercial or industrial activities, seafood processing, aquaculture, water-dependent science, research and innovation, or seafood storage, and uses accessory and directly supportive thereof including wholesale and retail uses, and which is located in a Designated Port Area as defined by 301 C.M.R. 25.02.

“Qualified water-dependent facility expenditure”, any amount properly chargeable to a capital account in effect for the taxable year, incurred in connection with the certified water-dependent facility construction or rehabilitation in a Designated Port Area, but the term shall not include personal property, personal use property, or the cost of acquiring any building or interest thereon, up to and including costs of building materials and supplies, fixtures, equipment, design, engineering, permitting and labor costs, paid by the taxpayer.

“Taxpayer”, a person, firm, partnership, trust, estate, limited liability company, or other entity subject to the income tax imposed by the provisions of this chapter.

“CDC” or “Community Development Corporation”, a corporation certified as a community development corporation by the Department of Housing and Community Development as consistent with chapter 40H.

(b) Massachusetts Maritime Commercial Development tax credit.

(1) The Secretary of Housing and Economic Development (hereto referred as the Secretary) shall authorize the tax credits under this section. The Secretary shall authorize annually, beginning January 1, 2018, under this section, together with section 31O of chapter 63, an amount not to exceed $100,000,000 per year. The Secretary shall determine the criteria for eligibility for the credit, such criteria to be set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

(i) Any single municipality shall not be eligible to receive a more than fifty percent of the total amount of awarded credits in a given calendar year.

(1) This restriction may be waived by the Secretary. Such a waiver must be made in writing, and submits the decision with an adequate reasoning to the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, the House and Senate Committees on Rules, and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means.

(2) A taxpayer that incurs qualified water-dependent facility expenditures may be allowed a credit, to be computed as hereinafter provided, against the tax imposed by this chapter. The credit shall be equal to a percentage, not to exceed fifty percent, of the qualified water-dependent facility expenditures made by the taxpayer with respect to a qualified water-dependent facility which has received final certification and has been placed in service as provided for in this section. The Secretary shall administer and determine eligibility for the Massachusetts maritime commercial development tax credit and allocate the credit in accordance with this section; but, the Secretary may impose a fee for the processing of applications for the certification of any water-dependent facility under the provisions of this section.

(i) Community development corporations shall be eligible to receive this tax credit at a rate equal to that of any taxpayer under this section.

(3) The credit allowable under this section shall be allowed for the taxable year in which the water-dependent facility property is placed in service, that is, when occupancy of the entire structure or some identifiable portion of the structure is permitted. A taxpayer allowed a credit under this section for a taxable year may carry over and apply to the tax imposed by this chapter in any of the succeeding 5 taxable years, the portion, as reduced from year to year, of those credits which exceed the tax for the taxable year.

(d) Maritime commercial development tax credits allowed to a partnership, a limited liability company taxed as a partnership or multiple owners of property shall be passed through to the persons designated as partners, members or owners, respectively, pro rata or pursuant to an executed agreement among the persons designated as partners, members or owners documenting an alternative distribution method without regard to their sharing of other tax or economic attributes of the entity.

(e) Taxpayers eligible for the Massachusetts maritime commercial development tax credit may, with prior notice to and in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary, transfer the credits, in whole or in part, to any individual or entity, and the transferee shall be entitled to apply the credits against the tax with the same effect as if the transferee had incurred the qualified rehabilitation expenditures itself. The transferee shall use the credit in the year it is transferred. If the credit allowable for any taxable year exceeds the transferee's tax liability for that tax year, the transferee may carry forward and apply in any subsequent taxable year, the portion, as reduced from year to year, of those credits which exceed the tax for the taxable year; but, the carryover period shall not exceed 5 taxable years after the close of the taxable year during which the qualified water-dependent facility received final certification and was placed in service as provided for in this section.

(f) The Secretary shall annually, not later than September 1 of each year, file a report with the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means, the chairs of the Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Businesses, and the chairs of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, identifying the total amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this subsection and the total amount of tax credits transferred, sold, or assigned hereunder for the preceding fiscal year.

(g) If the certified water-dependent facility is disposed of, or ceases to be used for the exclusive use of water-dependent commercial or industrial activities, before the end of such facility’s useful life, the recapture provisions Chapter 63, section 31A, subsection (e) shall apply.

SECTION _. Chapter 63 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 6N the following section:-

(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

“Certified construction”, the construction of a qualified water-dependent facility that has been approved and certified by the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, in consultation with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, as being consistent with the standards established by the Designated Port Area for the purposes of this section.

“Qualified water-dependent facility”, any building or structure, located within the commonwealth, constructed for the exclusive use of water-dependent commercial or industrial activities, seafood processing, aquaculture, water-dependent science, research and innovation, or seafood storage, and uses accessory and directly supportive thereof including wholesale and retail uses, and which is located in a Designated Port Area as defined by 301 C.M.R. 25.02.

“Qualified water-dependent facility expenditure”, any amount properly chargeable to a capital account in effect for the taxable year, incurred in connection with the certified water-dependent facility construction or rehabilitation in a Designated Port Area, but the term shall not include personal property, personal use property, or the cost of acquiring any building or interest thereon, up to and including costs of building materials and supplies, fixtures, equipment, design, engineering, permitting and labor costs, paid by the taxpayer.

“Taxpayer”, a taxpayer subject to an excise under this chapter.

“CDC” or “Community Development Corporation”, a corporation certified as a community development corporation by the Department of Housing and Community Development as consistent with chapter 40H.

(b) Massachusetts Maritime Commercial Development tax credit.

(1) The Secretary of Housing and Economic Development (hereto referred as the Secretary) shall authorize the tax credits under this section. The Secretary shall authorize annually, beginning January 1, 2018, under this section, together with section 6O of chapter 62, an amount not to exceed $100,000,000 per year. The Secretary shall determine the criteria for eligibility for the credit, such criteria to be set forth in regulations promulgated under this section.

(i) Any single municipality shall not be eligible to receive a more than fifty percent of the total amount of awarded credits in a given calendar year.

(1) This restriction may be waived by the Secretary. Such a waiver must be made in writing, and submits the decision with an adequate reasoning to the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, the House and Senate Committees on Rules, and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means.

(2) A taxpayer that incurs qualified water-dependent facility expenditures may be allowed a credit, to be computed as hereinafter provided, against the tax imposed by this chapter. The credit shall be equal to a percentage, not to exceed 50 percent, of the qualified water-dependent facility expenditures made by the taxpayer with respect to a qualified water-dependent facility which has received final certification and has been placed in service as provided for in this section. The Secretary shall administer and determine eligibility for the Massachusetts maritime commercial development tax credit and allocate the credit in accordance with this section; but, the Secretary may impose a fee for the processing of applications for the certification of any water-dependent facility under the provisions of this section.

(i) Community development corporations shall be eligible to receive this tax credit at a rate equal to that of any taxpayer under this section.

(3) The credit allowable under this section shall be allowed for the taxable year in which the water-dependent facility property is placed in service, that is, when occupancy of the entire structure or some identifiable portion of the structure is permitted. A taxpayer allowed a credit under this section for a taxable year may carry over and apply to the tax imposed by this chapter in any of the succeeding 5 taxable years, the portion, as reduced from year to year, of those credits which exceed the tax for the taxable year.

(d) Maritime commercial development tax credits allowed to a partnership, a limited liability company taxed as a partnership or multiple owners of property shall be passed through to the persons designated as partners, members or owners, respectively, pro rata or pursuant to an executed agreement among the persons designated as partners, members or owners documenting an alternative distribution method without regard to their sharing of other tax or economic attributes of the entity.

(e) Taxpayers eligible for the Massachusetts maritime commercial development tax credit may, with prior notice to and in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary, transfer the credits, in whole or in part, to any individual or entity, and the transferee shall be entitled to apply the credits against the tax with the same effect as if the transferee had incurred the qualified rehabilitation expenditures itself. The transferee shall use the credit in the year it is transferred. If the credit allowable for any taxable year exceeds the transferee's tax liability for that tax year, the transferee may carry forward and apply in any subsequent taxable year, the portion, as reduced from year to year, of those credits which exceed the tax for the taxable year; but, the carryover period shall not exceed 5 taxable years after the close of the taxable year during which the qualified water-dependent facility received final certification and was placed in service as provided for in this section.

(f) The Secretary shall annually, not later than September 1 of each year, file a report with the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means, the chairs of the Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Businesses, and the chairs of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, identifying the total amount of tax credits claimed pursuant to this subsection and the total amount of tax credits transferred, sold, or assigned hereunder for the preceding fiscal year.

(g) If the certified water-dependent facility is disposed of, or ceases to be used for the exclusive use of water-dependent commercial or industrial activities, before the end of such facility’s useful life, the recapture provisions Chapter 63, section 31A, subsection (e) shall apply.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-958

ENV 958

Offshore Wind Energy Transmission

Messrs. Tarr, Cyr, Pacheco, O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section__the following sections:-

"SECTION _. Section 83B of chapter 169 of the acts of 2008, as amended by chapter 188 of the acts of 2016, is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following sentence:-

“Offshore wind energy transmission”, transmission that delivers electricity from offshore wind generation to the transmission system on the mainland.

SECTION _.  Subsection (b) of section 83C of chapter 169 of the acts of 2008, as amended by chapter 188 of the acts of 2016, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “shall occur within 24 months of a previous solicitation” the following words :-

and may specify that the distribution companies in coordination with the department of energy resources may competitively procure and that the distribution companies may select one or more proposals for offshore wind energy transmission sufficient to serve Massachusetts ratepayers and amount up to the full capacity of energy from designated wind energy areas for which an initial federal lease was issued on a competitive basis after January 1, 2012 that may be developed independent of offshore wind energy generation to provide transmission service for more than one wind energy generation project and provided that any selection of offshore wind energy transmission is the most cost effective mechanism for procuring reliable, low cost offshore wind energy transmission service for Massachusetts ratepayers;

SECTION _.  Clause (4) of Subsection (d) of section 83C of chapter 169 of the acts of 2008, as amended by chapter 188 of the acts of 2016, is hereby amended by inserting after the words “transmission costs included in a bid” the following words :-

or independently as offshore wind energy transmission,


Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-960

ENV 960

Ensuring Beneficial Reuse of Dredged Sand

Messrs. Tarr, O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, “provided, that the office of coastal zone management shall continue to identify and seek to capture opportunities for beneficial re-use of sand from federal and state dredge projects for beach nourishment, remediation of erosion, and the rebuilding and preservation of dunes”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-961

ENV 961

Mass Animal Fund

Messrs. Welch, Brownsberger, Lewis, Moore, Eldridge, Feeney, Cyr, Rush, Timilty, Crighton, Tarr, Collins, Montigny, O'Connor, Ross and Barrett moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following words:- "provided further, that not less than $100,000 be expended for the Homeless Animal Care and Adoption fund"; and

In said section 2, in said item item 2511-0100 by striking out the figure "$4,945,785" and inserting in place thereof the figure "$5,045,785".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-962

ENV 962

DCR Retained Revenue

Messrs. Tarr, Rush, Moore and Eldridge, Ms. L'Italien, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. O'Connor, Welch and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-2042, by striking the figure $20,000,000 in each instance where it appears, and replacing it with the figure $22,000,000.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-963

ENV 963

Environmental Police

Mr. Cyr, Ms. Gobi and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2030-1000, by striking out the figure "$10,801,428" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$12,301,428"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-965-R3

3rd Redraft ENV 965

Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers

Messrs. Tarr and Ross, Ms. L'Italien, Mr. O'Connor and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2330-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:-"provided that $300,000 be expended for the funding of the Northeast, Southeast and Western Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers for disease monitoring and research and research and education relative to food safety, and shellfish propagation and development of Best Management Practices for the aquaculture industry; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$6,369,289" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$6,669,289"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-965-R2

2nd Redraft ENV 965

Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers

Messrs. Tarr and Ross, Ms. L'Italien, Mr. O'Connor and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2330-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:-"provided that $300,000 be expended for the funding of the Northeast, Southeast and Western Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers for disease monitoring and research and research and education relative to food safety, and shellfish propagation and development of Best Management Practices for the aquaculture industry; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$15,150,179" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$15,450,179.00"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-965-R1

Redraft ENV 965

Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers

Messrs. Tarr and Ross, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0200, in item 2330-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:-"provided that $300,000 be expended for the funding of the Northeast, Southeast and Western Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers for disease monitoring and research and research and education relative to food safety, and shellfish propagation and development of Best Management Practices for the aquaculture industry; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$15,150,179" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$15,450,179.00"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-965

ENV 965

Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers

Messrs. Tarr and Ross moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2310-0200, by adding at the end thereof the following:-"provided that $300,000 be expended for the funding of the Northeast, Southeast and Western Massachusetts Aquaculture Centers for disease monitoring and research and research and education relative to food safety, and shellfish propagation and development of Best Management Practices for the aquaculture industry; and in said item, by striking out the figures "$15,150,179" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$15,450,179.00"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-966

ENV 966

DEP Administration

Messrs. Tarr and O'Connor, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2200-0100, by striking the figure "24,637,344" and inserting in place thereof the following:-"25,637,344"

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-967

ENV 967

Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP)

Messrs. Lesser, Lewis and Eldridge, Ms. Friedman, Mr. Hinds, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Feeney, Welch and Tarr, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Crighton, DiDomenico, O'Connor and Cyr moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0105, by striking out item 2511-0105 and inserting in place thereof the following item:-

"For the purchase of supplemental foods for the emergency food assistance program within the Feeding America nationally-certified food bank system; provided, that the funds appropriated in this item shall reflect the Feeding America allocation formula in order to benefit the commonwealth’s 4 regional food banks; provided further, that the department may assess an administrative charge not to exceed 2 per cent of the total appropriation in this item; and provided further, that $1,000,000 shall be expended for operating funds to distribute food for the Massachusetts emergency food assistance program ………... $20,000,000".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-967-R1

Redraft ENV 967

Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP)

Messrs. Lesser, Lewis and Eldridge, Ms. Friedman, Mr. Hinds, Ms. L'Italien, Messrs. Feeney, Welch and Tarr, Ms. Gobi, Messrs. Crighton, DiDomenico, O'Connor, Cyr, Ross and deMacedo moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, by striking out item 2511-0105 and inserting in place thereof the following item:-

“For the purchase of supplemental foods for the emergency food assistance program within the Feeding America nationally-certified food bank system; provided, that the funds appropriated in this item shall reflect the Feeding America allocation formula in order to benefit the commonwealth’s 4 regional food banks; provided further, that the department may assess an administrative charge not to exceed 2 per cent of the total appropriation in this item; and provided further, that $1,000,000 shall be expended for operating funds to distribute food for the Massachusetts emergency food assistance program ………... $18,000,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-968

ENV 968

Environmental Justice

Messrs. Cyr, Lewis, Eldridge, Barrett and Welch and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0101, by inserting after the word “departments”, in line 18, the following words:- “, including the bureau of environmental health in the department of public health,”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-969

ENV 969

Pollinator Hive Loss Prevention and Stewardship

Messrs. Tarr, Ross, Eldridge and O'Connor, Ms. L'Italien and Mr. Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be extended to the University of Massachusetts Extension program to conduct apiary research and education relative to pollinator mortality, as well as to provide general support and make recommendations on preventing hive loss to the apiary inspection program, county beekeeping associations and statewide pollinator stewardship efforts.””; and in said item, by striking out the figures “$4,945,785” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$4,995,785”

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-971

ENV 971

Central Plymouth County Water District Advisory Committee

Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following: “; and provided further, that not less than $170,000 be allocated for the Central Plymouth County Water District Advisory Committee to develop a comprehensive water quality and quantity monitoring program for the improvement and management of lakes and ponds in Central Plymouth County Water District”; and

in said item by striking out the figures “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$43,390,092”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-971-R1

Redraft ENV 971

Central Plymouth County Water District Advisory Committee

Messrs. Brady, Timilty and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $170,000 shall be expended for the Central Plymouth County Water District Advisory Committee to develop a comprehensive water quality and quantity monitoring program for the improvement and management of lakes and ponds in the Central Plymouth County Water District”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$345,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-972-R1

Redraft ENV 972

Central Plymouth Water District Commission Annual Budget

Messrs. Brady, Timilty and O'Connor moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Central Plymouth County Water District Commission annual budget, for the improvement and management of lakes and ponds in the Central Plymouth County Water District”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-972

ENV 972

Central Plymouth Water District Commission Annual Budget

Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following: “; and provided further, that not less than $50,000 be allocated for the Central Plymouth County Water District Commission Annual budget for the improvement and management of lakes and ponds in Central Plymouth County Water District”; and


in said item 2810-0100 by striking out the figures “$43,220,092” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$43,270,092”.



Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-974

ENV 974

Testing and Treatment of Cyanobacteria in Monposett Pond

Mr. Brady moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4510-0600, by adding the following words: -“; provided further, that not less than $125,000 shall be expended for the testing and treatment of cyanobacteria and related contaminants in Monponsett Pond in the town of Halifax”; and

In said item 4510-0600 by striking out the figures “$3,755,666” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$3,880,666”.


Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-975

ENV 975

Webster Lake Weed Mitigation

Mr. Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2800-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 be expended for a maintenance pilot program for Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in the town of Webster”; and in said item, by striking out the figure “$4,150,126” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$4,200,126”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-976

ENV 976

Douglas State Forest Maintenance Trust Fund

Mr. Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section __ the following new section:-

“SECTION __. Section 32 of chapter 46 of the acts of 2015 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$1” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$5”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-976-R1

Redraft ENV 976

Douglas State Forest Maintenance Trust Fund

Mr. Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting after section 4 the following section:-

“SECTION 4A. Subsection (b) of section 35BBB of chapter 10 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:-

The department of conservation and recreation shall impose a surcharge of $1 upon each fee charged and collected from an in-state resident and $2 upon each fee charged and collected from an out-of-state resident for admission to and parking in the Douglas State Forest.”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-977

ENV 977

Well Domes

Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended by adding the following section:-


SECTION XX. The department of environmental protection shall promulgate regulations permitting the use of well domes, which shall be defined as a sealed concrete structure that fully encloses a well head. The department shall not require the owner of a well dome to remove such well dome for inspection more often than on an annual basis, provided that the department may require removal in case of an emergency, as defined in regulation.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-978-R1

Redraft ENV 978

Charlesgate Park

Messrs. Brownsberger and DiDomenico moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for design and engineering work by the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Inc., for improvements to the Charlesgate park in the city of Boston”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$425,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-978

ENV 978

Charlesgate Park

Mr. Brownsberger moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $250,000 shall be expended for design and engineering work by the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Inc., for improvements to the Charlesgate park in the city of Boston”; and

In said section 2, in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "$43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$43,470,092".




Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-979

ENV 979

Fishing Academy

Mr. Brownsberger moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2320-0100, by inserting the following words:- "'provided, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the Fishing Academy, Inc. program; and

in said section 2, in said item 2320-0100, by striking out the figure “$573,392” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$623,392”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-980-R1

Redraft ENV 980

Minnechaug Athletics Field Enhancements

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the replacement, installation and improvement of the Minnechaug Regional High School athletic field in the town of Wilbraham”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-980

ENV 980

Minnechaug Athletics Field Enhancements

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that $125,000 shall be expended for the replacement, installation, and improvement of the Minnechaug Regional High School athletic field in the town of Wilbraham”; and

In said section 2, in said item -, by striking out the figure “$9,245,558” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$9,370,558”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-981

ENV 981

Mass Animal Fund

Messrs. Tarr, Brownsberger, Lewis, Welch, Ross, O'Connor and Fattman moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following:

"provided further, that not less than $100,000 be expended for the Homeless Animal Care and Adoption fund;" and in said item by striking out the figures "$4,945,785" and inserting in place thereof the figures "5,045,785".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-982

ENV 982

Kelly Field Playground Improvements

Mr. Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0100, by adding the following words:- "provided further, that $30,000 shall be expended for improvements to the playground at Kelly Field in the Town of Milton"; and in said section 2, in said item 2810-0100, by striking out the figure "43,220,092" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "43,250,092".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-982-R1

Redraft ENV 982

Kelly Field Playground Improvements

Mr. Timilty moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- "; provided further, that not less than $30,000 shall be expended for improvements to the playground at Kelly field in the town of Milton"; and in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure "$175,000" and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- "$205,000".

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-985

ENV 985

Belchertown Splash Park

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that  $150,000 shall be expended for the construction of a splash park in the town of Belchertown”; and

In said section 2, in said item -, by striking out the figure “$9,245,558” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$9,395,558”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-985-R1

Redraft ENV 985

Belchertown Splash Park

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for the construction of a splash park in the town of Belchertown”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$250,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-986-R1

Redraft ENV 986

Westover Road Park & Service Dog Memorial

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2810-0122, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $75,000 shall be expended for the Westover Road Park and Service Dog Memorial in the city of Chicopee”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2810-0122, by striking out the figure “$175,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$225,000”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-986

ENV 986

Westover Road Park & Service Dog Memorial

Mr. Lesser moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2000-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that $125,000 shall be expended for the Westover Road Park and Service Dog Memorial in the city of Chicopee”; and

In said section 2, in said item -, by striking out the figure “$9,245,558” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$9,370,558”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-987

ENV 987

Berkshire County Sustainable Coordinator

Mr. Hinds moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7006-1003, by adding at the end thereof the following: -“provided further, that not less than $100,000 shall be expended for the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission to support a Berkshire County Sustainable Coordinator”; and in said item by striking out the figures “$3,858,778” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$3,958,778”.

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-990

ENV 990

Flat Mentor Farms Capacity Building and Organizational Program Development

Messrs. Tran and Eldridge and Ms. Gobi moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4400-1001, by adding the following: " and provided further that not less than 100,000 is expended to Flats Mentor Farm for Capacity Building and Organizational Program Development to increase local food production and distribution in eastern and central Massachusetts and in said item bv striking out the figures $6,162,023 and inserting in place thereof the figures "6,262,023

Budget Amendment ID: FY2019-S4-990-R1

Redraft ENV 990

Flat Mentor Farms Capacity Building and Organizational Program Development

Messrs. Tran and Eldridge, Ms. Gobi and Ms. L'Italien moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 2511-0100, by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $41,000 shall be expended to Flats Mentor Farm Enterprise, LLC, for capacity building and organizational program development to increase local food production and distribution in eastern and central Massachusetts”; and

in said section 2, in said item 2511-0100, by striking out the figure “$4,945,785” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “$4,986,785”.