Amendment #32 to H2019

relative to Rule 100 ( c ) 3

Mr. Kearney of Scituate moves to amend the order by striking in line 2075 after the word "any" the words "non-disclosure or non-disparagement provision of the"


And further moves to amend said Rule 100 (c ) 4 by striking in lines 2078 and 2079 the words "including any non-disclosure or non-disparagement provision of the agreement"


And further moves to amend said Rule 100 by inserting section 4(f) after line 2095-


“The House shall not include or permit a non-disclosure, non-disparagement or other similar clause in an agreement or contact between the House and a member, officer or employee. The House shall not seek to enforce a non-disclosure , non-disparagement or other similar clause in an existing agreement or contract between the House and a member, officer or employee. This rule shall not be suspended.”