Amendment #5 to H2019

Office and staffing standards

Mr. Hecht of Watertown moves to amend the order in Rule 17C by striking the third paragraph and inserting the following:- The committee shall allocate space among the various members and joint and standing committees on the part of the House in accordance with standards established by the committee and made publicly available.  Such standards shall take into account work load, duties, responsibilities, size of staff, seniority, safety, accessibility and any other factors the committee deems appropriate.


And further moves to amend said rule by striking the sixth paragraph and inserting the following:- Said committee shall determine the staffing levels and positions for the various members and joint and standing committees on the part of the House in accordance with standards established by the committee and made publicly available, together with a classification plan for all employees of the House.  Such standards shall take into account work load, duties, responsibilities, seniority, distance from members’ districts and any other factors the committee deems appropriate.  The committee shall maintain, periodically update, and make publicly available a list of the staffing levels and positions established for the various members and joint and standing committees on the part of the House.