Amendment #1008 to H3800
Recovery Centers in Gateway Cities
Representatives Vargas of Haverhill, Hendricks of New Bedford, Schmid of Westport, Moran of Lawrence, Ashe of Longmeadow, Williams of Springfield, O'Day of West Boylston, Santiago of Boston, Vega of Holyoke, Capano of Lynn, Cabral of New Bedford, Provost of Somerville and Keefe of Worcester move to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4512-0200, in line 16, by inserting after the word “centers” the following: “, at least 3 of which shall serve gateway municipalities, as defined in section 3A of chapter 23A of the General Laws”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1008 to H3800
Recovery Centers in Gateway Cities
Representative: |
Lori A. Ehrlich |
David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf |
James K. Hawkins |
Stephan Hay |
Linda Dean Campbell |
Bruce J. Ayers |
Natalie M. Higgins |
Nika C. Elugardo |
Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr. |
Carole A. Fiola |
Marcos A. Devers |
Christina A. Minicucci |