Amendment #1150 to H3800

Rural School Aid

Ms. Blais of Sunderland moves to amend in the bill in section 2 by inserting after line item 7061-9812 the following item: "7061-9813 For rural school aid to eligible towns and regional school districts, excluding vocational schools, independent agricultural, technical schools, and charter schools; provided, that a school district shall be eligible for rural school aid if a school district has a student density of not more than 21 students per square mile and an average annual per capita income of not more than the average annual per capita income for the commonwealth for the same period, as reported by the United States Census Bureau; provided further, that school districts serving fewer than 11 students per square mile shall be given priority for rural school aid........... $9,000,000"



Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1150 to H3800

Rural School Aid


Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.

Mindy Domb

Jonathan D. Zlotnik

Paul W. Mark

Susannah M. Whipps