Amendment #1211 to H3800

Greater Roxbury Neighborhood Council

Ms. Tyler of Boston moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

“SECTION XXXX.* Chapter XXX of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section XXX, as appearing in the 20XX Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section:


There shall be established the Greater Roxbury Neighborhood Council. There shall be established the Greater Roxbury Advisory Committee Board which shall make decision on behalf of the Greater Roxbury Neighborhood Council through a majority vote. The board shall consist of 7 members: (3 )of whom shall be a resident of the Roxbury community,  a resident of the Roxbury community with  an expertise in the housing industry, and a representative of a social service agency appointed by the Massachusetts State Representative of the 7th Suffolk District; : (2) of whom shall be a resident of the Roxbury community of at least four years and owns and operates a business in the Roxbury Community appointed by the Massachusetts State Senator of the 2nd Suffolk District; (1) who is an expert in economic development appointed by the Mayor of Boston; (1) who owns and operates a business in the Roxbury Community.