Amendment #240 to H3800
Media literacy professional development and teacher training
Mr. Rogers of Cambridge moves to amend the bill in section 2, by inserting after line item 7010-1202 the following item: “7010-XXXX To create guidelines for and fund kindergarten through 12th grade professional development and teacher training for 21st century-appropriate instruction in digital citizenship and media literacy in support of teaching digital safety and critical evaluative skills around media information, in conjunction with existing core standards and department elementary and secondary education frameworks...... $90,000”
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #240 to H3800
Media literacy professional development and teacher training
Representative: |
David Paul Linsky |
Mathew J. Muratore |
Kay Khan |
Jonathan Hecht |
Mary S. Keefe |
Andres X. Vargas |
Jay D. Livingstone |
David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf |
Lori A. Ehrlich |