Amendment #564 to H3800

Public Private Partnerships Task Force

Representatives Jones of North Reading, Hill of Ipswich, Poirier of North Attleborough, Gifford of Wareham, Frost of Auburn and Smola of Warren move to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof, the following new section:

“Section XX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, there shall be a special task force to review and report on establishing partnerships between publicly owned educational institutions in Massachusetts and private corporations. The task force will consist of 13 members; the house and senate chairs of the joint committees on economic development and emerging technologies and higher education or their designees, who shall serve as the co-chairs of the task force; a member of the general court appointed by the senate minority leader; a member of the general court appointed by the house minority leader; the executive director of the Massachusetts Workforce Development Board, or a designee; and 3 persons to be appointed by the secretary of labor and workforce development, 1 of whom shall be an employee of the commonwealth in the office of the secretary of labor and workforce development, 2 of whom shall be selected from a list of 5 persons nominated by the Massachusetts Business Roundtable; and 3 persons to be appointed by the secretary of housing and economic development, 1 of whom shall be an employee of the commonwealth in the office of the secretary of housing and economic development; and 2 of whom shall be selected from a list of 5 persons nominated by the chancellor of the university of Massachusetts.

This task force shall: (i) identify and review the state laws, regulations, and administrative directives that prescribe public private partnerships; (ii) identify initiatives and hear testimony from international actors that specialize in public private partnerships between corporations and educational institutions; (iii) focus on partnerships in need-based industrial sectors including, but not limited to, manufacturing, biotech, renewable energy, and information technology; (iv) develop recommendations to establish legislative procedures to provide accommodations, regulate, and facilitate seamless partnerships between educational institutions in Massachusetts and corporations.

The task force shall submit a report, including any draft legislation and regulations, to the clerks of the house and representatives and the senate within 12 months of the passage of this act.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #564 to H3800

Public Private Partnerships Task Force


F. Jay Barrows

Sheila C. Harrington

Hannah Kane