Amendment #700 to H3800
Student Awareness Fire Education (SAFE)
Representatives Ashe of Longmeadow, Dykema of Holliston, Puppolo of Springfield, Vega of Holyoke, Crocker of Barnstable and D'Emilia of Bridgewater move to amend the bill in Section 2, in item 8324-0000, in line 38, by striking out the figure “$1,200,000” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$2,000,000” and in said item striking out the figures “$25,638,518” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$27,638,518”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #700 to H3800
Student Awareness Fire Education (SAFE)
Representative: |
Lori A. Ehrlich |
RoseLee Vincent |
Shawn Dooley |
Hannah Kane |