Amendment #743 to H3800

Manet CHC Urgent Care

Representatives Ayers of Quincy, Chan of Quincy and Meschino of Hull move to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 4510-0110, by adding the following: “provided further that no less than $350,000 shall be made available to the Manet Community Health Center for the purpose of studying and implementing the design, renovation and alteration, starter capital equipment costs and project management development of an Urgent Care Center within the Manet North Quincy Health Center including the purchase of equipment and renovations necessary to facilitate the implementation of the plan.  Said study and implementation plan shall explore (a) the ability to expand access to same-day service and to provide new services via an urgent care model not presently offered in primary care; (b) the ability to serve new and existing patients; (c) the goal of increasing patient satisfaction and engagement into primary care; and most importantly (d)  the goal of increasing the quality of care while reducing the total cost of care via the reduction of unnecessary emergency department visits and hospital rea-admissions.  Manet Community Health Center will examine the costs and benefits of said proposed urgent care facility taking into consideration the extended hours per day with services available 7 days a week via walk-in or appointment.