Amendment #763 to H3800

Group Peer Support for Foster Parents

Representatives Khan of Newton, McKenna of Webster, O'Day of West Boylston and Robinson of Framingham move to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4800-0038, in line 16 by inserting after the words “flex services” the following - “and further provided, that not less than $150,000 shall be expended for Group Peer Support, Inc. for a pilot program to utilize evidence-based support group models to assist in the support and education of foster parents.” and in said item by striking out the figures $307,739,474 and inserting in place thereof the figures “$307,889,474”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #763 to H3800

Group Peer Support for Foster Parents


Sean Garballey

Denise Provost

Mary S. Keefe

Carolyn C. Dykema

James K. Hawkins

Liz Miranda