Amendment #793 to H3800

Enough Pay to Stay

Representatives Barber of Somerville, Vega of Holyoke, Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, Hay of Fitchburg, Barrett of North Adams, Gentile of Sudbury, Keefe of Worcester, Domb of Amherst, Connolly of Cambridge, Finn of West Springfield, Blais of Sunderland, Puppolo of Springfield, Ciccolo of Lexington, Provost of Somerville and Cahill of Lynn move to amend the bill in Section 2 by adding the following section:  SECTION XXXX.  For adjustments to rates and capitations for home and community based services provided through line items 9110-1630, 9110-0600, and 4000-0601; provided further that $6,251,229 shall be provided for an adjustment to approved program rates issued under line items 9110-1630 and 9110-0600 to provide a rate add-on for wages, compensation and/or salary related costs for personnel providing homemaker and personal care homemaker services; and provided further that $8,814,700  shall be provided for adjusting rates for home health aide services funded through line item 4000-0601 for the purpose of providing Title XIX services…………$15,065,929.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #793 to H3800

Enough Pay to Stay


Paul McMurtry

Marjorie C. Decker

RoseLee Vincent

Carlos González

Jack Patrick Lewis

Sean Garballey

David Paul Linsky

Jonathan Hecht

Kay Khan

Peter Capano

Todd M. Smola

Richard M. Haggerty

Susan Williams Gifford

James K. Hawkins

Paul Brodeur

Steven Ultrino

Jay D. Livingstone

Tami L. Gouveia

Natalie M. Higgins

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Thomas M. Stanley

Bruce J. Ayers

Timothy R. Whelan

James M. Murphy

James Arciero

James J. O'Day

Michael S. Day

Tackey Chan

Tram T. Nguyen

Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

Linda Dean Campbell

Kenneth I. Gordon

Nika C. Elugardo

Joan Meschino

Christopher M. Markey

Paul W. Mark

James M. Kelcourse

Tommy Vitolo

Daniel R. Carey

William J. Driscoll, Jr.

Sarah K. Peake

Lindsay N. Sabadosa