Amendment #859 to H3800

MRVP Program Improvements

Mr. McGonagle of Everett moves to amend the bill in section 2, item 7004-9024, in line 6, removing the word "may" and inserting in place thereof, "shall"; and in line 34, by inserting after "rent", the following: "except that the household payment in any project-based unit that is subsidized under another federal or state subsidy or public housing program shall be subject to applicable limits on tenant-paid rent under such federal or state program"; and in line 43 removing the word "shall", the first time it appears and inserting in place thereof, "may"; and inserting in line 73 after the word "2020" the following: "provided further that the department approved monthly rent levels for mobile voucher issued or leased after July 1, 2019, shall not be less than the current area-wide fair market rent based on unit size as established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; provided however, that the rent level must be determined to be reasonable by the administering agency; provided further that for mobile vouchers currently leased, the new rent level shall not begin until the anniversary date of the lease; provided further, that the monthly administrative fee for all vouchers shall be not less than $50.00 per voucher, per month; provided further that the department shall release a plan on distributing any newly funded vouchers on or before August 1, 2019; and, provided further, that the total amount appropriated and re-appropriated under this item shall include any unexpended funds appropriated for this item in fiscal year 2019 which shall not revert but shall be made available for purposes of this item for fiscal year 2020."

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #859 to H3800

MRVP Program Improvements


Kevin G. Honan

Jonathan Hecht

Louis L. Kafka

RoseLee Vincent

David Allen Robertson

John J. Lawn, Jr.

Kay Khan

Carlos González

Peter Capano

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Christine P. Barber

Mike Connolly

Denise Provost

Natalie M. Blais

Michael J. Finn

Paul W. Mark

Daniel Cahill

Jack Patrick Lewis

Tami L. Gouveia

Jay D. Livingstone

Natalie M. Higgins

James K. Hawkins

David M. Rogers

Sean Garballey

Joan Meschino

Mindy Domb

Thomas M. Stanley

Elizabeth A. Malia

Marjorie C. Decker

Stephan Hay

Timothy R. Whelan

Jon Santiago

Gerard J. Cassidy

Michael S. Day

Steven Ultrino

Tackey Chan

Daniel R. Cullinane

Adrian C. Madaro

Nika C. Elugardo

Tram T. Nguyen

Michelle L. Ciccolo

Chynah Tyler

Daniel J. Ryan

Jonathan D. Zlotnik

Liz Miranda

Daniel R. Carey

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

William J. Driscoll, Jr.

Daniel M. Donahue

David F. DeCoste

José F. Tosado