Amendment #906 to H3800

Prison Mitigation

Representatives D'Emilia of Bridgewater, Benson of Lunenburg, Kafka of Stoughton, McMurtry of Dedham, Dooley of Norfolk, Muratore of Plymouth, Zlotnik of Gardner, Orrall of Lakeville, Rogers of Norwood, Ashe of Longmeadow, Crocker of Barnstable, Lombardo of Billerica and Gouveia of Acton move to amend the bill, in section 2, in item 8900-0001, in line 20, by inserting after the date “October 1, 2019”, the following: ";and provided further, that the department shall expend not less than $2,500,000 for municipalities hosting department of correction facilities; provided further, that of that $2,500,000 no municipality hosting a department of correction facility shall receive more than $800,000;”; and in said item by striking out the following figures "$677,073,942" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$679,573,942".


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #906 to H3800

Prison Mitigation


Harold P. Naughton, Jr.

Christopher M. Markey