Amendment #98 to H3800

Elder Homelessness

Mr. Ultrino of Malden move to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 9110-1700, by striking out the following “for residential assessment and placement programs for homeless elders ........$286,000,” and inserting in place thereof the following: “for assessment, placement and homelessness prevention services for homeless and at-risk elders........$386,000”

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #98 to H3800

Elder Homelessness


Jonathan Hecht

RoseLee Vincent

Paul Brodeur

Nika C. Elugardo

Mike Connolly

Mindy Domb

David Allen Robertson

William L. Crocker, Jr.

Kay Khan

Thomas M. Stanley

Alice Hanlon Peisch

John Barrett, III

David M. Rogers

Daniel Cahill

Sean Garballey

Angelo L. D'Emilia

Christopher Hendricks

Alan Silvia

Brian W. Murray

John H. Rogers

Jack Patrick Lewis

Marcos A. Devers

Peter Capano