Amendment #1 to H4017

Governor's amendment

Mr. Speliotis of Danvers recommended the following amendment:

The committee on Bills in the Third Reading, to whom was referred the  Engrossed Bill relative to hospital access to discounted drug prices (see House, No. 4017) being section 47 contained in the bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2020 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions and certain activities of the commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund and serial bond requirements and for certain permanent improvements (see House, No. 4000), which was returned by His Excellency the Governor pursuant to Article LVI with recommendation of amendment specified by him, (see Attachment C of House, No. 4014)


Reports recommending that the amendment recommended by His Excellency the Governor be considered in the following form:


In section 1, by striking out, in line 6, the figure “270” and inserting in place thereof the figure “180”.