Amendment #3, as changed to H4087

Special Legislative Commission

Representatives Meschino of Hull and Connolly of Cambridge move to amend the bill in section 13 by striking, in lines 353 to 354, the words “a person appointed by the governor;” and inserting in place thereof the following:- 1 person appointed by the governor, provided that the appointee shall have prior experience or expertise related to reducing gender, racial and economic disparities in civic engagement; the executive director of the commission on the status of women, established pursuant to section 66 of chapter 3 of the General Laws; 1 person to be appointed by the commission on the status of women, established pursuant to said section 66 of said chapter 3; and in said section 13 by striking, in line 371, the words “December 1, 2020” and inserting in place thereof the following:- September 24, 2020.