Amendment #124 to H4506

Father Hart/Sprague Street Bridge Traffic Flow Study

Mr. Scaccia of Boston moves to amend the bill in Section 2A, in item 6121-2117, in line 44, by inserting after the word, "projects" the following:-

"; and for the purpose of implementing a program to address localized operationally-influenced bottlenecks that negatively impact traffic flow, including but not limited to redesign, re-striping, lane and shoulder width adjustments, addition of auxiliary, collector and distributor lanes, signal improvements, ramp adjustments, signage, and other infrastructure improvements to reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, address safety issues, and reduce idling and greenhouse gas emissions; provided further, that no less than $250,000 shall be expended for a study of the Father Hart Bridge and Sprague Street Bridge bottlenecks in the Readville section in the City of Boston to be completed by December 31, 2020;"

and in said item by striking the figures "1,750,000,000" and inserting in place thereof the figures: "1,750,250,000"