Amendment #255 to H4506

The “X” Reconstruction

Mr. González of Springfield moves to amend the bill by inserting after Section 2B 6121-2138 the following:

"Section 6121-2143

The goals of the proposed improvements include the development of a transportation system which

affords mobility for all and provides well-designed and suitable access to employment, housing,

service, cultural, and recreation areas; to manage, maintain, and enhance the existing transportation

system to maximize safety and efficiency; to improve multi-modal facilities encouraging the use

of viable alternatives to motor vehicle transportation; and to establish a transportation system that

facilitates and complements economic development.

The “X” intersection serves the local population and regional transportation interests as workforce

commuters from adjacent communities traverse the intersection from neighboring “bedroom

communities” to downtown Springfield employment opportunities. The Sumner Avenue corridor

is the primary gateway to one of the nation’s largest urban parks, yet offers limited pedestrian and

bicycle access. The “X” intersection is not well branded and lacks common wayfinding themes

and signage to local businesses and attractions. The Sumner Avenue corridor is also an east-west

gateway corridor providing direct access to Interstate 91.

The project includes reconstruction of the existing roadways, realignment of critical intersections,

and implementation of mini-roundabouts to improve traffic flow through non critical intersections.

The roadway cross sections vary but the typical proposed lane width is 11’, on street parking width

is 8’, bicycle lanes width is 5’, and sidewalks vary between 5’-10’. Granite curbing will be utilized

throughout the project. Pedestrian, bicycle, and transit accommodations will be improved to

provide safe and healthy transportation alternatives. In addition to improved safety, the area will

be improved by streetscaping, landscaping, drainage and utility improvements, and

accessibility/connectivity improvements. Multi-Use paths will connect the surrounding

neighborhood to Forest Park via Cliftwood St and Trafton St on the eastern border of the park. The

Multi-Use trail contains two 5’ opposing lanes and entrance protection to prevent prohibited motor

vehicles from entering".


Construction Cost: $12,500,000