Amendment #13 to H4508

MassPike Construction Mitigation & Commuter Rail Operations

Ms. Peisch of Wellesley moves to amend the bill by adding the following sections:

SECTION XXXX.  Prior to the commencement of the construction phase of the Allston Multimodal Project, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall implement a plan that provides additional public transportation options, including but not limited to dedicated bus lanes on Interstate 90/MassPike, and additional inbound trains for the morning schedule and additional outbound trains for the evening schedule along the Framingham/Worcester line of the Commuter Rail. The plan shall direct the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to implement additional bus service during peak hours, utilizing dedicated bus lanes, and develop a pricing mechanism that incentivizes the use of bus service and commuter rail to discourage the use of individual motor vehicles.

SECTION XXXX. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority shall develop and implement a plan to increase the number of morning and evening peak rush hour trains along the Framingham/Worcester line of the commuter rail and improve overall commuter rail service. This plan shall include a system of funding for the following items: all maintenance and capital investments that ensure reliable, on-time performance; upgrading and replacing all malfunctioning or outdated signals; adding a third track between Framingham and Newton; bringing the platforms at every station up to train level; upgrading any station that does not provide full accessibility to disabled and physically impaired individuals; developing and updating a pricing plan that establishes equitable ticket and zone pricing; upgrading trains for full electrification along every line of the commuter rail system; and addressing the inconsistent timing of train delays and subsequent public notifications to riders.

SECTION XXXX. Any construction and maintenance work undertaken by any entity as part of the South Station Transportation Center Improvements project shall not negatively impact commuter rail operations and service at any point during the duration of the project.