Amendment #76 to H4508

Rural Transit Assistance

Ms. Blais of Sunderland moves to amend the bill by striking in lines 9 through 12, inclusive, the words “$10,000,000 for rural transit assistance; provided, that such funds shall be expended for capital, planning and operating costs in support of transportation services in rural areas; and provided further, that organizations receiving such funding shall be those eligible for funding under 49 U.S.C. section 5310 or 49 U.S.C. section 5311 grant programs” and inserting in place thereof the following:-

"$15,000,000 for rural transportation assistance; provided that eligible municipalities shall have a population density of no greater than 500 persons per square mile, and shall not be located within the boundaries of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization; provided further that funds shall only be expended for the construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, repair, and improvement of pavement and surface conditions on municipal roadways and multi-use paths; provided, that expenditures from this item may include the costs of engineering, design, permitting, climate change adaptation and resilience, and other services essential to projects under this item; provided further, that funds may be expended for improving the condition of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations related to such roadway projects consistent with principles of the complete streets program established pursuant to chapter 90I of the General Laws when feasible.