Amendment #4 to H4767

Waiving Alcohol Bylaws

Mr. Pignatelli of Lenox moves to amend the bill in section 6, by inserting after Section 6 (b) the following:

"(c) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, in order to address  disruptions caused by the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 and the effects of the governor’s March 10, 2020 declaration of a state of emergency, the chief elected officials of a city or town, such as but not limited to a board of selectmen or chief executive officer, as they are defined in section 7 of chapter 4 of the General Laws, as established by charter or special act, during the March 10, 2020 state of emergency, may waive any bylaws of the city or town that restrict or forbid the serving or consumption of alcohol on city or town property. The waived bylaws shall be effective again on November 30th, 2020.".


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #4 to H4767

Waiving Alcohol Bylaws


Kenneth I. Gordon

David Allen Robertson