Amendment #17 to H4841

Alternative Method of Examining Competency

Mr. O'Day of West Boylston moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:

SECTION XX. Chapter 112, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after section 132 the following new section:-

Section 132A: (a) A provisional license shall be granted under the Alternative Method of Examining Competency (AMEC) to those applicants who have taken the examination for a licensed certified social worker no less than two times and failed within 15 points. The provisional license shall be valid for a maximum of one year. The licensee shall complete professional development, supervisory and educational requirements within no less than one year. Upon completion of the provisional license requirements the licensee shall be exempt from section 132 and granted a full license.

(b) A licensee operating with a provisional license under the AMEC shall maintain a Professional Portfolio that shall include the following:

i. Affidavits of understanding regarding the AMEC process;

ii. Eleven (11) separate 3-5 page typed, double spaced papers, each one covering a separate, specific core content area of social work practice;

iii. A daily journal of the probationary licensee’s activities and supervision for the probationary period;

iv. A 7-10 page typed, double spaced case analysis covering the probationary licensee’s work with a typical client during the probationary period;

v. A 3-5 page typed, double spaced self-evaluation completed by the probationary licensee which includes an analysis of the licensee’s professional knowledge, skills and abilities;

vi. Quarterly evaluations completed and submitted to the board by the supervisor regarding the probationary licensee’s development;

vii. An evaluation of the supervisor’s supervision skills completed by the probationary licensee;

viii. A notarized affidavit from the supervisor attesting to the readiness of the probationary licensee’s ability to perform as a professional social worker based on the knowledge, skills and abilities observed during the supervision period.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #17, as changed to H4841

Alternative Method of Examining Competency


David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Mike Connolly

Jay D. Livingstone

Natalie M. Blais

Aaron Vega

Tram T. Nguyen

Natalie M. Higgins

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

John H. Rogers

Jack Patrick Lewis

Denise Provost

Christina A. Minicucci

Nika C. Elugardo

Carlos González

Tommy Vitolo