Amendment #237 to H4879

Lowering Zoning vote threshold by local option

Mr. Lombardo of Billerica moves to amend the bill by striking lines 1000-1009 and replace with the following:

Except as provided herein, no zoning ordinance or by-law or amendment thereto shall be adopted or changed except by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the town council, or of the city council where there is a commission form of government or a single branch, or of each branch where there are 2 branches, or by a two-thirds vote of a town meeting; provided, however, municipalities may adopt by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the town council, or of the city council where there is a commission form of government or a single branch, or of each branch where there are 2 branches, or by a two-thirds vote of a town meeting, a local option allowing a vote of the following to be adopted by a vote of a simple majority of all members of the town council or of the city council where there is a commission form of government or a single branch or of each branch where there are 2 branches or by a vote of a simple majority of town meeting:


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #237 to H4879

Lowering Zoning vote threshold by local option


Joseph D. McKenna

Colleen M. Garry