Amendment #23 to H4888

Amendment Relative to the Definition of Podiatry

Mr. Donato of Medford moves to amend the bill, as amended, by adding at the end thereof:-


SECTION __. Chapter 112 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section 13, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-


Section 13. (a) As used in this chapter, “podiatry” shall mean the diagnosis and treatment by medical, mechanical, electrical or surgical means of ailments of the human foot and lower leg.


(b) As used in sections 12B, 12G and 80B, “physician” shall include a podiatrist registered under section 16.


(c) Sections 13 to 18, inclusive, shall not apply to surgeons of the United States Army, United States Navy or of the United States Public Health Service or to physicians registered in the commonwealth.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #23 to H4888

Amendment Relative to the Definition of Podiatry


F. Jay Barrows