Amendment #5 to H4888

COVID-19 Testing

Ms. Peake of Provincetown moves to amend the amendment in SECTION 34 by inserting the following new subsection:

“(b) Coverage shall also provide for medically necessary outpatient testing, which shall include testing for asymptomatic individuals under circumstances to be defined by guidelines established by the secretary of health and human services, hereinafter “the secretary”.

The secretary shall promulgate guidelines for COVID-19 testing of asymptomatic individuals that work in industries with increased exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, which shall include but not be limited to the health care, restaurant, retail, and hospitality industries. The secretary may consider the availability of tests and statewide testing capacity when issuing guidelines under this section.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "COVID-19 testing" shall mean polymerase chain reaction and antigen tests approved to diagnose SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The secretary shall issue guidelines in accordance with this section within 30 days of the effective date of this act.”

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #5 to H4888

COVID-19 Testing


Mindy Domb

Natalie M. Blais

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

Maria Duaime Robinson

Tommy Vitolo

Jonathan Hecht

Jon Santiago

Kathleen R. LaNatra

David M. Rogers

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

Kevin G. Honan

Elizabeth A. Malia

Kay Khan

Tram T. Nguyen

Nika C. Elugardo

Jack Patrick Lewis