Amendment #7 to H4888


Representatives Donato of Medford and Khan of Newton move to amend the amendment in section 7 by adding the following subsection:-


(f) a nurse anesthetist registered pursuant to subsection (f) of section 7 and authorized by section 80H of chapter 112 to distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to or use in teaching or chemical analysis a controlled substance in the course of professional practice or research in the commonwealth.;


in section 10 by inserting after the word “practitioner,” the following words:- “nurse anesthetist,”'


after section 11 by inserting the following new section:-


Section X. Subsection (g) of said section 7 of said chapter 94C, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out the last paragraph.


in section 12 by inserting after the word “practitioner,” the following words: “nurse anesthetist,”;


in section 13 by inserting after the words “chapter 112” the following words:-  “and nurse anesthetist, as limited by subsection (g) of said section 7 and section 80H of said chapter 112”.;


in section 15 by inserting the by inserting after the word “specialist,” the following words:- “and nurse anesthetist.”;


in section 12 by inserting after the word “practitioners” the following words:- “, nurse anesthetist,'; and


by inserting the following new section:-


SECTION X. Said chapter 112 is hereby further amended by striking out section 80H, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:-


Section 80H. (a) A nurse anesthetist may issue written prescriptions and medication orders and order tests and therapeutics pursuant to guidelines mutually developed and agreed upon by the nurse anesthetist and a supervising nurse anesthetist with independent practice authority or a supervising physician, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the board; provided, however, that supervision under this section by a supervising nurse anesthetist with independent practice authority or by a physician shall be limited to written prescriptions and medication orders and the ordering of tests and therapeutics. A prescription issued by a nurse anesthetist under this subsection shall include the name of the supervising nurse anesthetist with independent practice authority or the supervising physician with whom the nurse anesthetist developed and signed mutually agreed upon guidelines. Nothing in this section shall require a nurse anesthetist to obtain prescriptive authority to deliver anesthesia care, including the proper administration of the drugs or medicine necessary for the delivery of anesthesia care.


A nurse anesthetist shall have independent practice authority to issue written prescriptions and medication orders and order tests and therapeutics without the supervision described in this subsection if the nurse anesthetist has completed not less than 2 years of supervised practice following certification from a board-recognized certifying body; provided, however, that supervision of practice shall be conducted by a health care professional who meets minimum qualification criteria promulgated by the board, which shall include a minimum number of years of independent practice experience.


The board may allow a nurse anesthetist to exercise such independent practice authority upon satisfactory demonstration of alternative professional experience if the board determines that the nurse anesthetist has a demonstrated record of safe prescribing and good conduct consistent with professional licensure obligations required by each jurisdiction in which the nurse anesthetist has been licensed.


(b) The board shall promulgate regulations to implement this section.


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #7 to H4888



Denise C. Garlick

Christine P. Barber

David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf

David M. Rogers

Daniel J. Ryan

Daniel Cahill

Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

Joseph D. McKenna

Michael J. Finn

Bradford Hill

Carole A. Fiola

John Barrett, III

Tackey Chan

Michael S. Day

Sean Garballey

Jonathan D. Zlotnik

Ann-Margaret Ferrante

Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Aaron Vega

Jerald A. Parisella

Steven Ultrino

John H. Rogers

Kathleen R. LaNatra

Kate Hogan

Jack Patrick Lewis

Susannah M. Whipps

José F. Tosado

Denise Provost

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

David Allen Robertson

Paul McMurtry

James J. O'Day

Adrian C. Madaro

Kenneth I. Gordon

Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr.

Carol A. Doherty

Patrick Joseph Kearney

Colleen M. Garry

Sarah K. Peake