Amendment #8 to H4912

BBRS Membership

Ms. Gouveia of Acton moves to amend the bill, as amended, by adding the following sections:

SECTION X: Section 93 of Chapter 143 is amended in the first paragraph by striking the word—“eleven” and inserting in place thereof:-- “thirteen”.


SECTION X. Said Section 93 is further amended by striking the phrase:-- “both of whom shall serve” and inserting in place thereof following phrase:--“one of whom shall be the commission of the department of energy resources or their designee, all of whom who shall serve”.


SECTION X. Said section 93 of said chapter 143, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 9, the word “nine” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- “twelve”.


SECTION X. Said section 93 of said chapter 143, as so appearing, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “department”, in line 17, the following words:- , one of whom shall be an expert in commercial building energy efficiency, one of whom shall be an expert in residential building energy efficiency, one of whom shall be an expert in advanced building technology.


SECTION X. Said Section 93 is further amended by inserting after the phrase:-- “Any member shall be eligible for reappointment,” the following:-- “for a second term, but will serve no more than ten total years,”.


SECTION X. Said Section 93 is further amended by inserting after the phrase:-- “no member shall serve as chairman or vice chairman for more than two consecutive years,” the following:-- “or more than four years total,”.

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #8, as changed to H4912

BBRS Membership


Jack Patrick Lewis

Lindsay N. Sabadosa

David Paul Linsky

Maria Duaime Robinson

Angelo M. Scaccia

Kate Lipper-Garabedian

Jonathan Hecht

Nika C. Elugardo

David M. Rogers

Kay Khan

Natalie M. Higgins

Mike Connolly

Danillo A. Sena

Carol A. Doherty

Carmine Lawrence Gentile

Jay D. Livingstone