Amendment #357 to H5150

Microlending Grants

Mrs. Haddad of Somerset moves to amend the bill, in section 2, in item 7007-0801, in line 8,  by inserting after the word “activities” the following: “; provided further, that the Massachusetts Office of Business Development shall file an annual report with the Senate and House committees on Ways and Means identifying: (a) the United States Treasury certified Community Development Financial Institutions receiving grant issuances; (b) the names and loan amounts of each business receiving loans from the lending institution; (c) the federal dollar match received as a result of making the loan; (d) the number of jobs created through the business loans; and (e) the number of failed loans; and provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be allocated to SEED Corporation

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #357 to H5150

Microlending Grants


Marcos A. Devers